Sunday, June 17, 2012

Area around Kleine

The Farolas Hills
In the north, the dwarves and orcs have been fiercely vying for domination of the Farolas Hills for centuries. Although the dwarves are generally better organized and are better fighters, the orcs have the advantage of numbers.  Dwarves produce few offspring, but orcs are extremely prolific and view their kin as expendable. The orcs are thus slowly whittling the dwarves away. They believe that, someday, there will be no more dwarves to oppose them - unless hated adventurers foil their plans.
   Anyone traveling in the Farolas Hills will almost certainly encounter a force of either orcs or dwarves, and encounters with orcs will definitely be in the majority.  Occasionally, adventurers may witness remarkable pitched battles between these foes. The savagery of these engagements often shocks observers, for the dwarves and orcs spare no thoughts of pity for one another. Both sides welcome allies in their ruthless war, wanting only to eliminate the other as soon as possible.

The Burning Hills
Goblins and kobolds swarm throughout the Burning Hills to the northeast. Their numbers are not so large that the nearby town of Kleine feels especially threatened, though. The monsters are, on the other hand, numerous enough to pose a very real threat to any who are so brave or foolish as to venture into their territories.
   The goblins and kobolds are not the only threat in these hills. There is at least one pack of worgs that has marked this as their territory.  They prey on any helpless or weak creature they find, be it deer or humans. (Since game is rather rare in these hills, the worgs will take whatever they can get.) Occasionally, goblins catch and "tame" some of these creatures, using them as mounts in their search for more victims. There are also mountain lions prowling in the hills, lying in wait for the unwary and searching for any food that might satisfy them. The crags and bluffs that predominate the landscape provide ideal cover for their surprise attacks. Indeed, many who were on their guard have been found mauled by huge claws and half-eaten.

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