Sunday, June 17, 2012

You and Kleine

Finally, info for the players and their place in the world.

Abita – Your monastery venerates Sarenrae.  The nearest town to your monastery is Kleine.  It was growing up until 3 years ago when most trade from the Dwarven community of Hearth-Home ceased.  The reason trade stopped was because of the increased orc raids in the Farolas Hills.  Once these hills were only rarely plagued by marauding orcs, now it would appear they are increasing in number and organization.  A strong headman must be gathering the tribes and coercing them to work together.  The dwarves have begun to battle the orcs back but the skirmishes have cost both group many troops.  For the orcs, this is a negligible loss, for the dwarves, it is a growing problem.

Simeon - You hail from the “city” of Melinir.  In this community, your guild was well used by the nobles to prevent other thieves from being too successful. 

Alan - You are a native of Kleine.  You were well liked as a boy and whenever adventurers passed through the village they regaled you with tales of their exploits.  You worked the farmlands as a young man which helped you become fit.

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