Sunday, June 17, 2012


Kleine rests on the shores of turbulent Lake Ostrel, taking its bounty from the waters and from the fertile land surrounding the lake. Those who sail the lake in small crafts quickly haul in an abundance of fish. The pure water, direct from the Plunging Cataract, seems healthy for the fish because their numbers never seem to lessen. Similarly, by farming crops or herding cattle and sheep, citizens can easily wrest their needs from the earth. The land in this northern region is exceptionally fertile, excellent for bountiful yields and healthful grazing. When the season is over, the farmers can bring their harvest and livestock into the town proper where they generally receive a fair price for their efforts.
   Caravans regularly travelling down the river towards Torlynn and Melinir usually require guards to protect them form orc raiders and bandits. These caravans are always glad to see decent adventurers arrive in town for this reason alone. Those looking for such work can usually find it by speaking with the local Wharfmaster, Kestrel Olen.
   The only trading route these days is downstream to Melinir. The ongoing dwarf/arc conflicts dissuade all but the most foolhardy merchants from traveling into the Farolas Hills. The best bet for safely selling one's goods is to send them down the river. 
   The faint booms of the Plunging Cataracts are usually what newcomers to Kleine recall first when conversations turn to the small hamlet. Despite its close proximity to the falls, the noise is quite faint, echoing more into the higher regions than across the lake. The shores along Lake Ostrel have been shorn up with larger rocks, mainly to prevent flooding in the spring months. The faint booms and lapping waves give Kleine a rather serene and tranquil feel. 
   As one approaches the village along the Drake River, the most noticeable sight is the large watch tower along the village' southern side. This tower is used primarily to warn the villagers of any incoming orc attacks and houses what there is of the local militia. According to the villagers, the tower itself was here when the first settlers came to this region. No one knows its origins or if it was part of a larger structure. It serves its purpose as the village's protector and that is all that matters to them. 
   While most structures in Kleine are built from wood, some of the older structures are stone worked buildings. A rare site in such a small village. The building of these stone homes was, in part, payment for Kleine's services in the shipping dwarven goods form Hearth-home to southern settlements along the Drake River

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