Friday, December 7, 2012


Here is the total treasure each character gets.   If there is anything that a character may want in the treasure, let me know.  This is especially important if there is a treasure item that the character wants to keep and not sell for the coin value.  Otherwise, it will be assumed that the characters use whatever treasure they have to pay their bills however they can.

Treasure take

887 cp (= 8 gp & 87 cp)
667 ep (= 333 gp & 1 ep)
1269 sp (= 126 gp & 9 sp)
70 pp (= 350 gp)
404 gp

Gems/Jewelry/Art items
Total 4901
900 appraised by Chad
4001 unappraised
3% appraisal fee (121 gp)
Subtotal 3880
Plus 900
Total 4780

4780 + 1221 = 6001

Divided by 7 (Ford receives a half share.)
Ford 428 gp
Khol, Havoc, Bellen, Beldar, Chad, and Rorin each receive 928 gp

Left over coinage
5 gp
87 cp
1 ep
9 sp

Magic items (unidentified)
Bone necklace (in Khol’s possession)
Oil flask
Longsword (orc chief)
Shortsword (orc witch doctor)
Morningstar (in Bellen’s possession)
Ring (in Rorin’s possession)
Ring (owned by Chad)
Splint mail (in Khol’s possession)
Ring, Brass (in Ford’s possession)
Belt (in Beldar’s possession)
Mace, footman’s (owned by Havoc)

Detailed Gems/Jewelry/Art items
Bracelet, gold (140)
Bracelet, silver (35) Dwarven
Brooch, gold (100)
Buckle, silver (50)
Candlestick, silver (5) x2
Chalcedony (50) x2
Coffer, silver (120)
Cutlery, silver (100)
Dagger, silver, ornate (30)
Diamond (10)
Earrings, gold (100)
Eye Agate (10) x7
Fur, bearskin (80)
Goblet, crystal (5) x2
Goblet, silver (25)
Jade (100) x2
Necklace, gold (100) x2
Necklace, silver (250)
Pendant, silver (10)
Ring, gold (10)
Ring, gold (100)
Ring, gold (50)
Sardonyx (50) x12
Spinel (500)
Sword, short, elven*
Tankard, pewter (1)
Topaz (500) x4

*not counted in the gp total


Brian/Rorin said...

Forgot to add that Orcish Ceremonial dagger I still have a hold onto from that Orc alter room we tumbled and defiled.

Lawrence said...

It was just a standard dagger.