Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Curse of Hatred

The touch of Lamashtu is upon Rorin, Chad, Bellen, and Beldar.  This curse will fade with time but it is unknown how long the curse will be in effect.  Removal of the curse is simple, if the characters chose to find a priest of Lamashtu, take that priest to the shrine they defaced and aid the priest in rebuilding the shrine.  Otherwise, the removal of the curse will be a bit onerous.
            To remove the curse without appeasing Lamashtu, the characters must find a cleric of 7th level or better.  This cleric must worship Desna, Urgathoa, Rovagug, or Pazuzu.  The cleric requires each character to donate 666 gp (or 1000 gp for Desna) and agree to a geas to perform a service for the deity.

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