Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Curse of Hatred

The touch of Lamashtu is upon Rorin, Chad, Bellen, and Beldar.  This curse will fade with time but it is unknown how long the curse will be in effect.  Removal of the curse is simple, if the characters chose to find a priest of Lamashtu, take that priest to the shrine they defaced and aid the priest in rebuilding the shrine.  Otherwise, the removal of the curse will be a bit onerous.
            To remove the curse without appeasing Lamashtu, the characters must find a cleric of 7th level or better.  This cleric must worship Desna, Urgathoa, Rovagug, or Pazuzu.  The cleric requires each character to donate 666 gp (or 1000 gp for Desna) and agree to a geas to perform a service for the deity.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Rules: Bleed

When a character takes damage that causes bleed that character suffers the indicated damage for the next 1d4 rounds.  Any action such as bandaging, heal or first aid check, or cure spell will stop the bleeding before it’s run it’s course.  If a character regenerates, the bleed damage is halted on the following round but no regeneration occurs that round.  Bleed damage occurs at the top of the round, before initiative is rolled. 
Magical bleed damage is handled slightly differently.  These wounds bleed for one full turn (10 rounds).  Also, magical bleed damage only heals naturally, no potion or spell can restore hit points lost in this manner.  Magical bleed damage completely negates regeneration.

Rules: Shields

Shield Proficiency
By spending a weapon proficiency, warriors and some priests can become more skilled in the use of their shield.  The extra protection conferred by the shield varies by the exact type the character becomes proficient in:

# of
AC bonus 
AC bonus 
+1/+2 vs. 
+3/+4 vs. 

The number of attackers is the maximum number of times the shield bonus can be used in a single round by the character. Normally, shields can only be used against enemies in the character’s front spaces or in the flank spaces on the character’s shield side.

Any character equipped with a shield can choose to forego its protection and gain an extra attack known as a shield-punch. The shield-punch is treated as a normal, secondary weapon attack; the primary weapon suffers a –2 penalty to attack rolls that round and the shield-punch attack is rolled with a –4 penalty. A character may use his reaction adjustment due to a high Dexterity score to offset these penalties. Alternatively, the character can substitute his normal attack for a shield punch, with no penalties.
If the character is trying a shield-punch, he must announce his intention while declaring his combat action and forfeits the defensive benefit of the shield for the round. The character moves into the square of his opponent on his base initiative, then executes the shield punch and backs out into his own square again on the following initiative phase.

Shield Punch
Shield Type

Shields save lives
Any time a PC takes damage, they can opt instead to say their shield absorbed the force of the blow. The shield is shattered and must be discarded, but the PC doesn't take any damage from that hit. Magical shields lose one 'plus' each time they are used in this way. This rule does not allow normal shields to stop magical attacks like fireballs, but magical shields may be able to improve the save or reduce damage even further, somewhat.  This will completely destroy a magic shield, regardless of it’s bonus.

During the three months...

After 2 weeks, Sister Remia awakes from her coma and summons whatever party members are still in Kleine.  She tells the group that the real leader of the orcish attack was an evil cleric of Asmodeus.  She never heard his name, but knew that he was working with someone else in the raid on Kleine.  When the party confirms that they had not encountered this priest, Sister Remia implores them to return to the orc cave and investigate it more fully.  The priest tortured Remia frequently so he must maintain a room in the caves.  Sister Remia is still too weak to perform magic but assures the cursed party members that she can perform a ritual to help them in a few months or so.  The mayor of Kleine also offers a reward for the cleric’s head if the party does this task for the church of Erastil.  If the party fails to slay the cleric but manage to stop him, the group receives a lesser reward.
During a routine watch, Bellen hears of a common man’s murder during the festival.  It would appear that the orc attack was not the only problem the town faced that day.  David was murdered in his home.  The guard captain, Jennel, tells Bellen the town was secured about 3 hours after the party left to find Sister Remia.  The discovery of David’s death was a week after Sister Remia awakes from the coma.  It is unlikely the two are connected because David was slain by magic, his body was severly burned, but nothing else in the room was even singed.  The remains were also scattered about.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Rules: Death

When the character takes damage that reduces him to zero hp or less, regardless of the amount that brings the character to that point, the character assumes zero hp and rolls a save vs death.  Each character is entitled to three death saves per day but no more that one per battle.
If the roll is made, the character is able to function, somewhat, at zero hp.   At the DM’s discretion the character may also be stunned, nauseated, or feverish.  The character can crawl at one third his movement, usually this is away from combat.  The character may attempt a small action but that action takes 1d4 rounds.  During this time the character does not bleed out and is considered stabilized. 
If the save is failed, the character falls unconscious on the ground.  He then begins to bleed out.  The character takes a -1 each round thereafter.  When the player reaches -10 the character is dead.  While bleeding out, the character can be hit and reduced faster (killed faster).  If another character bandages the wounded character, the wounded character is stabilized. Stabilized characters are at a steady zero hp (is no longer bleeding out) and are unconscious until healed or rested into positive hp. The player may expend a hero point to stabilize automatically (zero hp, not bleeding out and unconscious).  Spell casters that are at zero hit points to -5 will still have spells memorized, however if they go beyond -5, the trauma of near death erases all spells memorized.  Spells can be regained as normal, after a nights rest.

Treasure II

Current treasure on each character is as follows:

Beldar – 4 cp, 17 ep, 87 gp, 4 pp, 82 sp, emerald (200), topaz (500), silver ring (50), 928 gp value
Total 1801 gp (4cp, 1 ep, 2 sp left over)

Bellen – 437 gp, 8 cp, pearl necklace (250), topaz (500), 928 gp value
Total 2115 gp (8 cp left over)

Chad – 8 cp, 2 gp, 4 sp, sapphire (600), pewter buckle (150), 928 gp value
Total 1680 gp (8 cp, 4 sp left over)

Ford – 5 cp, 30 gp, 1 sp, 428 gp value
Total 458 gp (5 cp, 1 sp left over)

Havoc – 8 ep, 51 gp, 4 pp, cameo (150), sapphire (600), 928 gp value
Total 1753 gp

Khol – 2 cp, 2 gp, amethyst (100), opal (50), jade ring (100), ruby (500), 928 gp value
Total 1680 gp (2 cp left over)

Rorin – 3 cp, 2 gp, 8 sp, gold bracelet (100), cameo (150), ruby (500), 928 gp value
Total 1680 gp (3 cp, 8 sp left over)

This is the amount of treasure each character has now with the treasure that is split in the post below.  So every character has exactly this much treasure.  I will deduct fees from characters when each player tells me they want their bills paid and that there are no treasure items they wish to hold on to.  Remember, this is not the total of gold pieces each party member has, only the value their part of the treasure represents.  If you choose to sell all gems/jewelry/art items, I have to know because there is a fee for that.

Also, while on this downtime, each player can restock on normal or out of the ordinary supplies.  

Friday, December 7, 2012


Here is the total treasure each character gets.   If there is anything that a character may want in the treasure, let me know.  This is especially important if there is a treasure item that the character wants to keep and not sell for the coin value.  Otherwise, it will be assumed that the characters use whatever treasure they have to pay their bills however they can.

Treasure take

887 cp (= 8 gp & 87 cp)
667 ep (= 333 gp & 1 ep)
1269 sp (= 126 gp & 9 sp)
70 pp (= 350 gp)
404 gp

Gems/Jewelry/Art items
Total 4901
900 appraised by Chad
4001 unappraised
3% appraisal fee (121 gp)
Subtotal 3880
Plus 900
Total 4780

4780 + 1221 = 6001

Divided by 7 (Ford receives a half share.)
Ford 428 gp
Khol, Havoc, Bellen, Beldar, Chad, and Rorin each receive 928 gp

Left over coinage
5 gp
87 cp
1 ep
9 sp

Magic items (unidentified)
Bone necklace (in Khol’s possession)
Oil flask
Longsword (orc chief)
Shortsword (orc witch doctor)
Morningstar (in Bellen’s possession)
Ring (in Rorin’s possession)
Ring (owned by Chad)
Splint mail (in Khol’s possession)
Ring, Brass (in Ford’s possession)
Belt (in Beldar’s possession)
Mace, footman’s (owned by Havoc)

Detailed Gems/Jewelry/Art items
Bracelet, gold (140)
Bracelet, silver (35) Dwarven
Brooch, gold (100)
Buckle, silver (50)
Candlestick, silver (5) x2
Chalcedony (50) x2
Coffer, silver (120)
Cutlery, silver (100)
Dagger, silver, ornate (30)
Diamond (10)
Earrings, gold (100)
Eye Agate (10) x7
Fur, bearskin (80)
Goblet, crystal (5) x2
Goblet, silver (25)
Jade (100) x2
Necklace, gold (100) x2
Necklace, silver (250)
Pendant, silver (10)
Ring, gold (10)
Ring, gold (100)
Ring, gold (50)
Sardonyx (50) x12
Spinel (500)
Sword, short, elven*
Tankard, pewter (1)
Topaz (500) x4

*not counted in the gp total

Rules: Training

Characters must train for their first few levels.  I generally decide this on the fly but a die roll could be used if needed.  Usually the first three levels are definitely training levels, sometimes I enforce it up to 5th level.  If you are desperate to know when you no longer need to train, we can roll a die to determine it, 1d3+2.  This could hurt as it would be binding on your character when we roll it.
To train, a character must have a tutor or instructor. This tutor must be of the same class and higher level than the one the character is training for. Thus, a 7th-level fighter training for 8th-level must be taught by a 9th-level or higher fighter. The tutor must also know the appropriate things. Fighters specialized in a given weapon must find a tutor also specialized in that weapon. Mages seeking to study a particular spell must find a tutor who knows that spell. A thief seeking to improve his lockpicking must find a higher-level tutor more accomplished in lockpicking.
Since not all characters are suited to instructing others, any player character who attempts to train another must make both a Wisdom check and a Charisma check. If the Wisdom check is passed, the player character possesses the patience and insight to nurture the student. If the Charisma check is passed, the character also has the wit, firmness, and authority needed to impress the lessons on the student. If either check is failed, that character is close, but just not a teacher. If both checks are failed, the character has absolutely no aptitude for teaching. Alternatively, the DM can dispense with the die rolls and rule for each player character, based on his knowledge of that character's personality. It is assumed that all NPC tutors have successfully passed these checks.
Second, the character must pay the tutor. There is no set amount for this. The tutor will charge what he thinks he can get away with, based on either greed or reputation. The exact cost must be worked out between player character and tutor, but an average of 100 gp per level per week is not uncommon.
Finally, the player character must spend time in training. The amount of time required depends on the instructor's Wisdom. Subtract the Wisdom score from 19. This is the minimum number of weeks the player character must spend in training--it takes his instructor this long to go through all the lessons and drills. At the end of this time, the player character makes an Intelligence or Wisdom check, whichever is higher.
If the check is successful, the lessons have been learned and the character can advance in level. If the check is failed, the character must spend another week in training. At the end of this time, another check is made, with a +1 applied to the character's Intelligence or Wisdom score. The results are the same as above, with each additional week spent in training giving another +1 to the character's ability score. This +1 is for the purpose of determining the success or failure of the check only. It is not permanent or recorded.
One obvious result of the training system is the development of different academies that specialize in training different character classes. Because of their importance in the adventuring community, these academies can become quite powerful in the lives of the player characters. Imagine the disastrous effect should one of the player characters be blacklisted by his appropriate academy. Although the DM should not abuse such power, the player characters should treat such institutions with care and respect.

Back to train

When the party returns to Kleine, Sister Remia falls into a coma.  The party may go about their training at this time.  Total downtime for the party is three months.  Normal expense will be 50 gp per level per month.  If any party member chooses (or is forced) to live below this level, they may be subject to illness or disease.

Beldar is trained by Sir Renk, a knight of dubious reputation.  Sir Renk is from Melinir and is skilled in all swords.  Training takes 6 weeks and costs a total of 1000 gp.  Beldar will also have to pay 225 gp for his living expenses over the 3 months he is in Kleine.

Bellen can self train again.  Training takes another 4 weeks.  Cost will run a total of 1400 gp.  Cost of living for Bellen will be 400 gp.  Bellen helps out the town guard during this time, volunteering to take watch and such.  This earns her a bit of coin, 60 sp, but more importantly earns the trust of the citizenry for Bellen.  Bellen also attunes herself to this new world during her spare time.

Chad has paid for his training already and his instructor, an alluring female thief named Meridian, completes it in 9 weeks.  During this time Chad must pay 200 gp for his living expense.  Because of his help to the church, Meridian gives Chad a token that he may use if he runs afoul of her guild in Melinir.

Ford will not be training but will have the living expense of 150 gp for the three months in Kleine.  Ford may also want to try to identify some items, he has three months so, in theory, he could try each item in turn.  (I can roll that for you or we can wait until we’re all back at the table and Brandon can roll for his character.)

Havoc’s trainer is in Timbervale repairing a ruined temple of Cayden Cailean.  Marco is a learned priest of Cayden Cailean who had a vision (not a drunken one) that this temple should be rebuilt.  Travel to Timbervale will take 3 days by merchant barge and cost 10 gp, one-way.  The actual training will only take 4 weeks, at a cost of 600 gp, however Havoc is expected to remain an additional month helping to ready the chapel to Cayden Cailean.  During this time, living expenses will be a bit higher than average (+15%) due to the town’s economy and the constant drinking both priests insist on doing.  This totals out to 308 gp.

Khol was originally from a small town called Harken Village.  In this village is a chapel to Sarenrae with a small cloister that trains crusaders.  Because of the rarity of this class, Khol will have to return home in order to train for 2nd level.  The safest, fastest method will be travel by river barge.  Cost for the trip will be 50 gp and will take 10 days.  Training will be long and arduous at a full 7 weeks.  The cost will be 900 gp.  Cost of living will be 200 gp.  (Xp deficient of 239.)

Rorin will be trained in Kleine by a friendly half-elven fighter named Lucious.  He is proficient with axes and bows.  Training will take 6 weeks at a cost of 800 gp.  Cost of living will be 225 gp.  (Xp deficient of 239.) 

Rules: Cost of Living

I am going to start posting some rules here every once in a while so that you guys can know what's what in the game.  These will be tagged as rules.

Player Character Living Expenses

Squalid *
3 gp 
Poor *
5 gp 
50 gp per level 
200 gp per level

*Living in poor or squalid conditions can lead to illness or disease.