Monday, September 3, 2012

The Gauntlin Forest

To the east and south of the Burning Hills lies the Gauntlin Forest. This vast wood covers nearly a quarter of Thunder Rift. The density of the trees and the amount of light filtering through them varies enormously from area to area. The forest can be deep and thick, yet well lit by streaming rays of sunlight (as it is in its southernmost reaches), or it can be sparse, straggly, and dank (as it is on the borders of the Burning Hills).
There are many kinds of terrain within the Forest.  There are jagged hills in the north, rifts and ravines along the riverbanks, flatlands to the west, and pleasantly rolling hills in the southeastern section. To the east, the ravines and hills jumble together, leading to steep bluffs and rocky riverbeds. This is caused by the proximity of the forest to the walls of the Rift, where falling rocks create quite an impact on the environment. There are rumors that a tribe of hill or stone giants has taken control of the eastern forest, finding it very hospitable to their kind.
The southern forest harbors a multitude of creatures, both natural and magical. In the elven-controlled parts of the forest, the animals live in harmony, working through nature's rhythms. Game trails wend their way around the trees, leading to peaceful, reflective pools in the midst of the woods. Birds chirp happily, their songs complementing the other sounds of a forest at rest with itself. The center of the elven lands represents a near-perfect tranquility.
However, in the rest of the forest, disruptive forces play havoc with the natural cycle. In fact, some magical force has recently perverted the very shape of the land so that confusing changes arise around every bend. Streambeds mysteriously flow into nothingness or hills fall away in sheer drop-offs, allowing passers-by to gaze in wonder at the cross sections of earth that lie revealed.
Animals that inhabit those regions of wild magic are even more alarming. Many are dreadful crossbreeds between natural animals. While not all of them are exceptionally powerful, they are all singularly disgusting in appearance. It is in these parts of the forest that many evil monsters dwell.
One of the few exits from Thunder Rift may be found in the Gauntlin Forest. By following a branch of the Drake River east to the wall of the canyon, one can find a narrow goat trail that leads up the steep cliff face. This route is impractical for any but a climber, and downright impossible for a horse or wagon.

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