Sunday, September 23, 2012

Festival Marketplace

Hedge Shop Items

Charm bracelet
115 gp
Poison charm
86 gp
Protective charm
230 gp
Fire charm
109 gp
Alchemist’s fire
23 gp
Tanglefoot bag
58 gp
35 gp
Healing potion, lesser
173 gp
Draught, Hangover Remedy
86 gp
Draught, Maidenweed
115 gp
Draught, Poison antidote
115 gp
Draught, Stamina
144 gp
Arrow, flight +1
6 gp
Arrow, sheaf +1
8 gp
Sling bullet +1
115 sp
Healer’s kit
29 gp
Healing poultice
   Type I
86 gp
   Type II
144 gp
   Type III
230 gp
Burn Slave
   Type I
345 gp
   Type II
460 gp
Harpy Musk
23 gp

Charm bracelet: While worn, the character receives +2 to saves vs charm type spells.  This protection lasts for 30 days after the item is purchased.

Poison charm: When the owner is poisoned, this fetish bag releases a magic effect.  The fetish immediately grants the wearer +4 to save vs poison.  However, after this effect the occurs, the poison save bonus fades after one turn leaving the fetish expended.

Protective charm: While worn, the character receives +2 to AC against missile attacks.  The protection from this charm cannot decrease AC below 0, nor does it stack with any magic items.  This protection lasts for 3 weeks after the item is purchased.

Fire charm: When first attacked with a fire spell, this charm’s energy is released.  In a brilliant flash, the charm reduces flame and fire damage by 1 point per die (never less than 1 point per die.)  This charm only functions once.

Hangover remedy: This heavy liquid takes 3 rounds to fully consume.  It completely removes all side-effects from heavy drinking the night before.

Maidenweed: This draught prevents pregnancy in females who drink it.  The draught's duration is one month. 

Poison antidote: 50% chance to negate poison or venom.  If failed, allows a second save with -2 penalty.

Stamina: This draught will allow the PC to roll a Con. check to negate all fatigue from the previous day's excersion.  If the roll fails, the PC will suffer normal penalties for fatigue until 8-10 hours rest is gained.

Thunderstone: You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a save vs death or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a -4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast.

Alchemist’s fire: You can throw a flask of alchemist’s fire as a splash weapon. The max range 20’ (counting as medium range) and within 10’ is considered short range.
   A direct hit deals 1d6 points of fire damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of fire damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the target continues to burn, taking an additional 1d6 points of damage. If the target has not performed an action, they can attempt to extinguish the flames before taking this additional damage next round.  The fire only burns for one round after it hits.
   A flask of alchemist’s fire can be poured on a melee’ weapon.  The weapon will inflict an additional 1d4 fire damage for 3 rounds.

Tanglefoot bag: You can throw this round leather bag full of alchemical goo as a grenade-like weapon up to 10’, the bag comes apart and the goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient on exposure to air.  An entangled creature suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls and AC (losing Dex. as well.) The entangled character must make a save vs breath or be glued to the floor unable to move.  Even with a successful save, movement is at half speed.
   A character who is glued to the floor can break free with a successful Open Doors roll or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon.  A character trying to scrape goo off himself does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic. If another character wants to help, they also hit automatically but half the damage is applied to the stuck PC.  Once free, a character can move at half speed. A character capable of spellcasting who is bound by the goo must make an Int. or Wis. (as per class) check -3 to avoid a spell surge.  The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 10 minutes (1 turn).

Healer’s kit: These kits grant a bonus to healing if used by someone with the heal or the first aid proficiency  The amount gained varies, depending on which proficiency is used.  The user of either proficiency check will require one turn to effectively use the healer’s kit.  Those with heal, who succeed a prof check, will heal the recipiant 1d3 times the difference of the check and roll.  For example, Airatoth has the heal proficiency and his score is 16.  He uses a healing's kit on Akul and rolls a 10.  The check passes and Akul is healed for 6d3 hp.
   If the user has the first aid proficiency, he may also use a healer's kit, however, the healer's kit is less effective.  The healer's kit provides 1d3 plus the difference of the check and roll.  For example, Linus tries to use a healer's kit on Bellen, his first aid proficiency score is 12.  He rolls a 5, Bellen is healed for 1d3+7. 
    If the proficiency check is failed, either heal or first aid proficiency, the healer's kit is expended and no healing occurs.  This kit cannot negate poisoned or diseased persons.

Healing poultice: On normal wounds, Type I heals 1d3 hp on the following day, Type II heals 2d3 hp on the following day, and Type III heals 3d3 hp on the following day.  Note that some wounds, such as those made by a sword of wounding, are resistant to magical healing. Since poultices are nonmagical in nature, they can help overcome this difficulty.  Only one application for healing can be made per day for healing on the next day.  Also can be used to negate certain poisons (Types A-D).  Typically, there 5 applications per jar.

Burn salve: As it's name implies, burn salve mitigates some of the effects of fire damage, but only if it is applied within 2 rounds of the injury.  If applied in time, type I heals 1d6 points of damage.  Type II burn salve is more potent, it heals 2d6 fire damage.  Neither type can heal damage that was not inflicted by fire.
   A typical jar has three average sized burns applications.

Lesser healing potion: As a standard healing potion except only heals 1d4+1.

Harpy Musk: For all their cowardice and cruelty, goblins have a keen sense of what can kill them, and harpies number among goblins’ most feared predators. Using this knowledge to their advantage, Varisian alchemists have devised ways to recreate or distill the musk of harpies into a potent concoction. If smeared on a surface or used as a thrown weapon (range: 30'), harpy musk fills a 30-foot area for 10 minutes (one turn) before dispersing. Any goblin who enters the area must succeed at a save vs fear or be shaken for 3 rounds, most just flee. Harpy musk affects only goblins - bugbears and hobgoblins are unaffected.

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