Monday, September 3, 2012

Places of Interest in Melinir

The largest temple in Thunder Rift is in Melinir and is dedicated to Abadar, the God of cities, law, merchants, and wealth.  The Temple of Law is a magnificently adorned building that literally shines in the morning as the sun rises.  The high priestess is Enora, a middle-aged human female.  Although she is head of the temple, Enora is normally very busy and not often found here.  She is quite powerful and still actively adventures with other members of the Quadriel.  The cleric in charge of maintaining the Temple of Law is Martin, a rotund fellow. He is a friendly man, always ready to help a person in need. Since the temple receives everything through charity, there is no charge for the services of the clerics (although a small donation is always welcome).  Martin is aided in his day to day duties by 10 lesser clerics.
            There are also two smaller chapels dedicated to Gozreh, the God of nature, the sea, and weather, and Iomedae, the Goddess of honor, justice, rulership, and valor.  These smaller temples are not in the temple district.  The Crashing Wave (Gozreh’s chapel) is located in the southern portion of Melinir, near the docks.  Iomedae’s chapel, the Hall of Justice, is in the rich section of town, south west of the marketplace.  Each of these chapels normally has 2 clerics at any time.

Inns and Taverns
The Sarcastic Goat Inn
This is the finest inn in all of Thunder Rift. The large, three-story log building holds over 50 rooms. Each room has a comfortable feather bed and quilts woven by Stefan des Herbsts. The common room downstairs is well kept and has a pleasant ambience. This inn is very popular, and the tavern that is part of it serves some of the best drinks in Thunder Rift. The rooms cost 1 gp per night, and with food and drink service the price rises to 3 gp.  The innkeeper, Bediah Bulon, is a half-elf with unkempt hair and beard. He named the inn after a comment a friend made about him. While he is very caustic with his friends and employees, he makes sure his customers are as comfortable as they can be.
The Goat's Stables
The stables of the Sarcastic Goat keep the travelers' horses well fed and groomed, 2 sp per night.  The stable boy, Hodie, is rumored to have a wealth of information, for he overhears everything the wayfarers say and he remembers it.  It’s said he knows nearly every rumor in Melinir, and for a small "tip", he will tell one rumor.

The Poor Dragon
This establishment is near the docks and caters toward mostly sailors.  It is run by Michael Lefthand, a former sailor.  The inn has a reputation has a rough place and most who go there expect trouble.  It is rumored that some press gangs operate out of the Poor Dragon, shanghaiing down on their luck adventurers for their ship’s crew.  Because most of the clientele are sailors, this inn does not have a stable.  Mounts and other animals must be left at the Goat’s Stables.  The common room houses 20 bunks and cost is only 1 sp per night.  There are only two private rooms at the inn and those are usually in use at any time (only 20% chance one private room is available.)  These rooms are usually taken by ship’s captains who are “visiting” lady friends onshore.  Ship captains are always given preference over any other visitors to the inn.

The Dancing Dragon
This tavern lies near the wharfs on the shores of Lake Ganif. It is know as a place where a rougher sort of clientele frequents.  The Dancing Dragon has a deal with the Poor Dragon Inn, it will have a boy “escort” visitors who are too inebriated to get back to their own homes or inn room to the Poor Dragon.  This fills the common room of the Poor Dragon, usually after 2 AM.  This “service” usually costs the “poor sod” most of whatever coin he had left.  Anyone passing out in the Dancing Dragon with no coin left may wake up in a gutter, but more likely will wash ashore a few days later, very dead.

The Sleeping Rooster Inn
The Sleeping Rooster is the most extravagant inn in Melinir.  Cost is 5 gp per night, meals included.  In the Merchant District, this is houses most of the caravan owners as they travel through Thunder Rift.  The owner, Serena, eschews adventurers and prefers not to allow them to stay here.  Most have a reputation for rough housing and Serena is in this business to make money, not waste it replacing furniture and such.  Serena has two bouncers that secure her premises from any trouble and she pays the constabulary extra coin monthly for there prompt response to her emergency bell.  These measures and a few secret ones, make her inn the safest in town, not to mention the most expensive.  

The Quaffing Falcon Winery
This high end tavern is deep in the wealthy section of Melinir.  Most meals are sumptuous affairs of several courses and grand wines.  The meals are very rich and will fill even the heartiest appetites.  Average meals will run a party of four upwards of 25 gp (if dining on the cheap is the point).

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