Sunday, June 17, 2012

Area around Kleine

The Farolas Hills
In the north, the dwarves and orcs have been fiercely vying for domination of the Farolas Hills for centuries. Although the dwarves are generally better organized and are better fighters, the orcs have the advantage of numbers.  Dwarves produce few offspring, but orcs are extremely prolific and view their kin as expendable. The orcs are thus slowly whittling the dwarves away. They believe that, someday, there will be no more dwarves to oppose them - unless hated adventurers foil their plans.
   Anyone traveling in the Farolas Hills will almost certainly encounter a force of either orcs or dwarves, and encounters with orcs will definitely be in the majority.  Occasionally, adventurers may witness remarkable pitched battles between these foes. The savagery of these engagements often shocks observers, for the dwarves and orcs spare no thoughts of pity for one another. Both sides welcome allies in their ruthless war, wanting only to eliminate the other as soon as possible.

The Burning Hills
Goblins and kobolds swarm throughout the Burning Hills to the northeast. Their numbers are not so large that the nearby town of Kleine feels especially threatened, though. The monsters are, on the other hand, numerous enough to pose a very real threat to any who are so brave or foolish as to venture into their territories.
   The goblins and kobolds are not the only threat in these hills. There is at least one pack of worgs that has marked this as their territory.  They prey on any helpless or weak creature they find, be it deer or humans. (Since game is rather rare in these hills, the worgs will take whatever they can get.) Occasionally, goblins catch and "tame" some of these creatures, using them as mounts in their search for more victims. There are also mountain lions prowling in the hills, lying in wait for the unwary and searching for any food that might satisfy them. The crags and bluffs that predominate the landscape provide ideal cover for their surprise attacks. Indeed, many who were on their guard have been found mauled by huge claws and half-eaten.

You and Kleine

Finally, info for the players and their place in the world.

Abita – Your monastery venerates Sarenrae.  The nearest town to your monastery is Kleine.  It was growing up until 3 years ago when most trade from the Dwarven community of Hearth-Home ceased.  The reason trade stopped was because of the increased orc raids in the Farolas Hills.  Once these hills were only rarely plagued by marauding orcs, now it would appear they are increasing in number and organization.  A strong headman must be gathering the tribes and coercing them to work together.  The dwarves have begun to battle the orcs back but the skirmishes have cost both group many troops.  For the orcs, this is a negligible loss, for the dwarves, it is a growing problem.

Simeon - You hail from the “city” of Melinir.  In this community, your guild was well used by the nobles to prevent other thieves from being too successful. 

Alan - You are a native of Kleine.  You were well liked as a boy and whenever adventurers passed through the village they regaled you with tales of their exploits.  You worked the farmlands as a young man which helped you become fit.

More on Kleine

More about Kleine
The only trading route these days is downstream to Melinir. The ongoing dwarf/arc conflicts dissuade all but the most foolhardy merchants from traveling into the Farolas Hills. The best bet for safely selling one's goods is to send them down the river.

   Kleine has a 50-foot-tall watchtower located on one of its winding streets. From here, the city watch (composed entirely of volunteers or those who have no other jobs) can make sure that any assault does not come unheralded.  If the city is in imminent danger of being attacked, the watchman rings a bell at hand, whereupon all citizens rush to their homes, bar their doors, and ready their weapons. Although the city has never yet been under siege, they remain prepared for just such an emergency.

   When it comes to festivities, Kleine holds very few as grand as The Festival of Talan; a celebration held in the spring to honor those who initially settled Kleine ages ago. While the celebration is primarily to honor of the leader of that expedition, Talan Amliir, folks from as far as Melinir make the trek up the Drake River to sell wares or just to enjoy the hospitality Kleine is known for. The festival usually sets up along the northern part of town, in the fields along Lake Ostrel, and is always a sea of vibrant colors from all sorts of merchant tents. Even the Dwarves of Hearth-home make a special trip to visit the fair to sell wares and enjoy the good times.  The dwarves are known for selling weapons and metal armors of exceptional quality.
   The festival lasts for three days, after which, on the evening of the third day, Sister Remia performs a ritual to Erastil, thanking him for the bountiful times they have had and for continued peace and prosperity.

Places of Interest in Kleine

Places of Interest in Kleine

Salias's General Store 
   This small store is the only supply store Kleine has to offer. The shop deals in only the basic of wares, though the shopkeep, Salias is capable of placing orders for folk for equipment from Melinir of Torlynn. He is also the main contact and shipper of dwarven goods from Hearth-home.

The Melodious Harpy 
   The Melodious Harpy is a tavern built from dwarven stonework. The Harpy boasts a large taproom, that can usually fit most of the village proper, and a fireplace Oswald had built years ago. 
   The décor of the tavern is simple yet tasteful. Oswald Dottier has given the place a roomy touch with various thick tapestries and several stuffed animal heads he claims to have killed himself giving the taproom the overall feel of an old lodge. The only other part to this simple structure, save the cellar.

   There is one chapel located in Kleine dedicated to Erastil. The chapel is tended to by Sister Remia, a former adventurer and one of the only powerful defenders of Kleine. A peaceful and accepting woman, Sister Remia tends to promote tolerance and acceptance of others in her sermons. However, despite her peaceful beliefs, she is not above defending her home and friends when a threat arises.

   There is no smithy in Kleine. When the citizens need metal work done, they must either travel to Melinir or Torlynn, or they must put in an order at the trading post.  The orders go out once a week and travel down the Drake River with trade goods. The smith in Melinir usually finishes the work in time to catch the upriver ferry, two weeks from the time he receives the orders. The Torlynn smith is usually faster since he receives a lesser volume of work from Torlynn's populace. However, his work is generally of lower quality than that of Melinir's smith.


Kleine rests on the shores of turbulent Lake Ostrel, taking its bounty from the waters and from the fertile land surrounding the lake. Those who sail the lake in small crafts quickly haul in an abundance of fish. The pure water, direct from the Plunging Cataract, seems healthy for the fish because their numbers never seem to lessen. Similarly, by farming crops or herding cattle and sheep, citizens can easily wrest their needs from the earth. The land in this northern region is exceptionally fertile, excellent for bountiful yields and healthful grazing. When the season is over, the farmers can bring their harvest and livestock into the town proper where they generally receive a fair price for their efforts.
   Caravans regularly travelling down the river towards Torlynn and Melinir usually require guards to protect them form orc raiders and bandits. These caravans are always glad to see decent adventurers arrive in town for this reason alone. Those looking for such work can usually find it by speaking with the local Wharfmaster, Kestrel Olen.
   The only trading route these days is downstream to Melinir. The ongoing dwarf/arc conflicts dissuade all but the most foolhardy merchants from traveling into the Farolas Hills. The best bet for safely selling one's goods is to send them down the river. 
   The faint booms of the Plunging Cataracts are usually what newcomers to Kleine recall first when conversations turn to the small hamlet. Despite its close proximity to the falls, the noise is quite faint, echoing more into the higher regions than across the lake. The shores along Lake Ostrel have been shorn up with larger rocks, mainly to prevent flooding in the spring months. The faint booms and lapping waves give Kleine a rather serene and tranquil feel. 
   As one approaches the village along the Drake River, the most noticeable sight is the large watch tower along the village' southern side. This tower is used primarily to warn the villagers of any incoming orc attacks and houses what there is of the local militia. According to the villagers, the tower itself was here when the first settlers came to this region. No one knows its origins or if it was part of a larger structure. It serves its purpose as the village's protector and that is all that matters to them. 
   While most structures in Kleine are built from wood, some of the older structures are stone worked buildings. A rare site in such a small village. The building of these stone homes was, in part, payment for Kleine's services in the shipping dwarven goods form Hearth-home to southern settlements along the Drake River

Upper Great Grasslands

The Friday campaign looks like it might be getting off the ground, finally.  This is the area most of the characters come from.  The village of Kleine is the center of the character's world.  I will post details of the area and Kleine soon.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Zhent camp; Lawcon continued

This is the Zhent camp that the party failed to defeat, even losing their comrade Miranda.  See if you can come up with any plans before attacking it this time.

Remember the slaves were back near the graves (western section) and the captain's house was the cabin in the NW corner of the map.  Behind the brambles to the west is a cliff face drop off.
North and south are heavy forest with something more sinister in the southern half.
East is where you usually assault from.  If you choose another tack let me know so I can configure the map so you can see it when you get here.