Wednesday, April 15, 2015


The band from Mistledale was down Zaven and Dusty, but one of the rescued commoners volunteered that he had some skill and would be willing to help the party out.  The elf is named Ele’mir and his skills range from spell casting to opening door and finding traps. 

          The band decided to head out of the area and find any treasure while Thovan meditates.  Katie, Ele’mir, Valorous and Styve head to the ruined room with the small elementals.  Travelling to the room the party encounter some ochre jellies.  In the elemental room, they find a wand and defeat all but one of the elementals, that flees. 

          Leaving that room, they decide to look into the room where ants were suspected of being in.  The room had no ant creatures but was some sort of torture chamber with a shrine to Shar.  This room trapped the party and they were sometime later transported to another location where they met a creature named Modulok.  In this eternally dark place, Styve was killed and the others captured.

          Modulok told them that she would speak with them later and left the room.  The band went back to the room where they first appeared.  There they found a rune on the ground exactly where they appeared. Also in this room, the group found another prisoner chained to the wall.  It appeared to be a demon, tortured and beaten.  Ele’mir warned Katie not to talk to her but Katie freed the demon and learned that it was actually an angel named Taleron.  Gratefully, Taleron brought the group from Modulok’s domain back to the room where the shrine to Shar was.

          Once the group was back in the dungeon, they headed to the their lair to recover and return Styve’s body to safety.  This was problematic as Styve and his gear made everyone more encumbered then they would have liked.  It also meant the trip back would take longer.  As they made their way back, they encountered Aura the medusa again. 

          Meanwhile, Thovan came out of his reverie and decided the other had been gone too long.  He decided he and Seoni should go and look for the rest of the group.  They left and traveled down the right passage.  When they went down the long corridor, they triggered a rune that caused them some distress but that was nothing compared to the assault the crossbowmen gave them.  With their poisoned bolts, they managed to get Thovan who recognized the effect as drow sleep poison.  He realized that he would soon be passed out for hours, leaving Seoni alone to guard him.  They fled back to the lair but triggered the rune again, only this time it actually grant them instead of a bane.

          After a long sleep, Seoni and Thovan ventured out again and this time decided to take the left turn instead.  Nearing the corridor, they heard a commotion, Katie and the others were in a battle.  Thovan and Seoni sprang into action just as Katie ran past them toward the lair.  She told them that Aura was after them and that Styve was dead.  Valeros and Ele’mir were stuck in the rubble with Aura advancing.  After a pitched battle, Thovan killed Aura with a spell but was then petrified.

While the party recovered from the medusa battle, Taleron, the angel came to the party to thank them for their aid.  She gave Ele’mir, Valeros and Katie a feather from her wing.  The feathers could be used to summon Taleron and ask her for a boon.  Katie promptly used her feather and asked Taleron to bring back something to raise Zaven.  Taleron departed, vowing to return with something Katie could use to help Zaven.

Katie, Seoni and Ele’mir, then set about identifying the magic items the party recovered.  They learned one item found was a jar of Raise Dead Balm.  Taleron returned soon after and brought Katie a scroll of Raise Dead.  Styve was raised using the Balm, he then used the scroll on Zaven.  Ele’mir used his feather to ask Taleron to help Thovan.  Taleron brought back a potion of Restoration.  This potion was poured over the Thovan statue and thus Thovan was restored.  Later, the group found out that one of the potions found in the gelatinous cube was also a potion of Restoration.

Katie decided the second potion should be used to aid Capt. Dusty.  Zaven agreed and off the group went, leaving Valerous and Seoni with the resting Styve.


DawnC said...

Nice update! Thanks for the post!

Flamekist said...

Thanks for the update!