Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Posts from the Grove of the Unicorns

Zaven finds himself in a meadow surrounded by lush deep forests. He feels the warmth of the sun. He feels exhilarated due to the healing heat of the sun after so many dark, cold days in the mysterious dungeons. His last memory in the dungeon was of a giant queen ant. Her enormous jaws and stinger sent shivers of pain and fear deep into his soul. Finding himself suddenly in the tranquility of the meadow brought immediate relief, but then he remembered Katie.
Katie, the most beautiful woman that Zaven had ever seen. Her voice could only compare to those of angels. Her presence brought him joy beyond anything he had experienced with any other. He knew that she was beyond his station, for he could never consider himself anything more than her humble servant. He saw himself as her protector. Although he could never hope to mean more to her, it was enough to know that she was safe.
As Zaven soaked in the warm rays of the sun, a shiver entered his being. Katie was alone. She didn't have her commander to protect her, and Styve and Thoven could barely manage on their own. Then he remembered; Styve did this to him. Styve came between him and his self-proclaimed position of guardian of Katie. His actions ripped Zavan away from the land of mortals and delivered him into the hands of his god, Mielikki. 
Zaven, lost in his anguish, didn't notice the approach of Mielikki. Once aware, Zaven quickly went to one knee. He bowed down and awaited forgiveness for his inattention. Mielikki reached out to him and told him to rise. 
Mielikki senses within Zaven an innocence and a fundamentally kind soul. His previous life has introduced a trace of chaos, in what is otherwise a pure intentioned heart. Mielikki reclines on the lawn, joining Zaven. Mielikki sees such promise in having a follower with such a pure heart, but she grieves for him knowing that he came to such a tragic end. 
Zaven, experiencing her divine light, realized that he had allowed his love for Katie to overshadow his love for his god. Zaven asks once again for Mielikki's forgiveness, "Most beautiful Mielikki, I have failed you. In my blind love for a mortal woman, I lost sight of my true purpose—a warrior and servant of Mielikki. If the gracious Mielikki can forgive me and allow me a chance to go back to her service, I will never stray again. My focus will always remain on your will."
Mielikki smiled. As she spoke, Zaven realized that Mielikki, not Katie, had the most beautiful voice in all of creation, "Zaven, there is always a plan for all of those in Creation. It appears that your destiny is here, with me. I have tried to claim you once before, but you escaped my grasp." 
Zaven, succumbing to her seduction, forgot momentarily about Katie and his friends back in the dungeon.  Then the memory of the mortal, but beautiful Katie, filled his mind with dread. "Mielikki, you and the other gods sent us to this dungeon for a purpose. It is beyond me to know the purpose, but I know we have not fulfilled your plan. If you grant me the opportunity to return, I swear my allegiance. I will do your will, protect your forests, and become an evangelist of Mielikki's."
Mielikki smiled, "Zaven, I know you love Katie. It is allowed for you to love your goddess and the lovely Katie. If I grant your return, you must continue to protect your friends. I also expect that from this moment forward, that you will use your sword to defend the forests and those in my service, especially the Shadoweirs. Given the opportunity, I expect you to join the Shadoweirs, or in the least to swear your skill and aid. Katie is in possession of my hymnal. I expect to hear her voice swell in song, as she fills the air and hearts of all those around her with praise for me."
Mielikki pulled Zaven close. He lay his head in her lap, as she stroked his cheek, "But now you must rest. I will have my answer for you the next time you awaken." Zaven drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep. 

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