Monday, November 24, 2014

What's been explored...

So far the party has explored very little.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

What happened?!? (2)

Slowly closing the door, Thovan comes back to his companions. He sees Katie getting up and goes over to fill her in on the situation.  About half an hour later, every one in the group is awake and aware.  Styve, Thovan and Katie all settle in to memorize spells while Dusty and Zaven guard the door.
          Once spells are rememorized and food is eaten, The group tries to decide what to do next, or rather where to go.  Styve prods Katie to Identify the magic items previously found by the group.  Also weapons and armor has to be reassigned since several of the party have lost some items and armor. 
          After spending an hour trying to figure out what several items are using her bardic skill, Katie then casts Identify from a scroll.  The spell takes 8 hours to cast and Katie discerns the properties of a good deal of items.

          Bone Armor +2
          Dagger +2 (but is a charged item)
          Quarterstaff +2
          Ring of Protection +1
          Ring of Tsathzar
          Bastard Sword (+2 to damage)
          Long Sword (+2 to damage)
          Horn of Collapsing
          Helm of the Wyrm

Saturday, October 18, 2014

What happened?!?

Thovan wakes up, stiff and sore but not wounded.  Looking around, his infravision active, he sees his companions around him, splayed out.  After checking them, they all live and are healed as he is.  Thovan then inspects the room he finds himself in. 

        The room is 20’ by 40’.  Unadorned except for the four statues within.  Two are along each long wall.  Between two of the statues, Thovan sees a door.  Walking over as quietly as he can, he goes over to the door and cracks it open.  Looking into the darkness outside, he sees a corridor.  Worked stone walls and ceiling indicate that this is some sort of constructed place.  Innately, Thovan is able to discern he is underground.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Previously 8/31/14

The group left the sleeping Lily under the care of Dusty and the mutt (as described by Zaven) or pure-bred Wardog (as described by Thovan) Rusar while the rest of the party went back to the keep. They arrived at the keep to find the mouth lowered and the bars back in place. Inside, the Kobolds waited with their crossbows. Using a potion of giant strength and shield spell cast by Styve, Zaven lifted the gates. Once Zaven lifted the gates the party took out the eight Kobolds in short order. The party found the statue back in its place after having been knocked over during their previous visit. Offended by the poor quality of the statue, Katie had Zaven toss the sculpture down the stairs. The party then took the hallway leading left.

The hallway led to a circular room. An ancient rune on the floor at the center of the room depicted a dragon eating its own tail. A maggot infested Kobold body lay at the center of the room. Alcoves around the room contained armored statues, and a weapon rack across the room contained obviously magic weapons. Zaven and Thovan both took weapons from the rack (bastard sword and long sword respectively). Immediately the golems activated. Zaven sliced his in two with one mighty blow. One-by-one the other golems activated. Zaven fell unconscious with a critical miss and stayed out for the next four rounds. Zaven awoke to find the combat still going. He quickly finished off the remaining golems (armored skeletons).

At the end of combat everyone had new magical weapons, but Thovan, at the suggestion of the party, spider-climbed to the ceiling and pried a glowing gem out of the ceiling. Once removed Styve and Katie’s weapons lost their magical abilities.

Spent, the party decided a retreat was necessary for healing and new spells. Spiking the lever and gates open at the entrance, the party went back to camp. Everything was fine at the camp, and Lily had awakened from her fey induced slumber. The party ate, sharpened weapons, trained the dog, and prepared for the next day’s fighting. Zaven kept watch through the uneventful night.

Upon arriving back at the keep, the party found the doors barred and the statue remnants gone. Zaven blasted through the door with an axe. The party entered the keep. Taking the hall to the right led the party into a swarm of Kobolds. The Kobolds quickly brought down Thovan, Zaven, and Katie the Great One. Styve and Dusty kicked Kobold butt while the rest of the party recovered. Things looked dire as the party, having been overrun by the Kobolds, took quite some time to recover and eventually defeat the Kobolds. Two Kobolds, paralyzed during combat, were left tied up.

What will the party do? Zaven is barely alive, their spells depleted again, and the party doesn’t have any healing kits. Will they retreat again, or will they hold up in the keep to prevent the Kobolds from resetting their traps? Tune in next time for As Mistledale Turns.

(As reported by Zaven)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Previously 8/10/14

Previously in Mistledale

After the “fey scattering”, the group realized that Katie’s henchmen would be asleep for hours.  Noting that the pack bearer never returned, Katie wanted to launch a search but it was unlikely that poor Doug survived the harrowing journey through the forest.  Even Katie and Styve were severely wounded by the red-berried vines. 

The party carried the sleeping henchmen with them and pressed on toward the Beast’s keep.  Once at the dragon maw entrance, the party noticed the mouth somewhat closed this time, with a portcullis blocking the way in.  Peering in, they were greeted by crossbow fire.  Thovan bravely ran into the line of fire to cast light inside the maw.  Taking a few hits, he was not surprised to see kobolds were inside.  Thovan did note the technique the kobolds employed was rather sophisticated.  About 8 kobolds were inside the maw, all armed with heavy crossbows.  Only four kobolds fired from within the maw while the other 4 reloaded their crossbows.  The kobolds also piled crates near the entry so as to provide cover for themselves. 

The party debated whether to camp right outside the dragon’s maw or to retreat a safe distance away.  After common sense won out the group retreated completely out of the cursed wood and made camp for the remainder of the day and night.  Katie vowed to return and find her pack bearer (and her gear he carried).  A convenient use of a Nap spell later, Zaven, Lily and Dusty woke in time for the rest of the party to get some rest.  Zaven kept watch that night being fully rested, Capt. Dusty helped on second watch.

The night was uneventful but at dawn, while the casters all meditated for spells, Zaven and Dusty heard the heavy footfalls of soldiers.  Looking out across the plains, they saw a troop of orcs travelling nearby.  After a brief scuffle, the party defeated the orcs with ease, the group reentered the cursed woods looking for the lost pack bearer. 

At the fey clearing, Thovan and Zaven decided to hack their way through the forest on the trail of the pack bearer.  Meanwhile, Katie and Styve examined the area of the attack.  Lily and Dusty discovered that the fetishes held coins.  All four of them pulled down all the fetishes they could find and gathered up the coins within. 

Hard travel through the woods turned up the pack bearer’s body, but the most important items of Katie’s gear was missing.  Examining the scene, the group discerned that the red-berried vines slew the poor sod, but the fey came across the body and looted it.  That means the team had to seek the lair of the fey if they were to recover their items.  After an exhaustive search of the areas, the clearing and where the body was found, the team hacked their way to a probable location for the fey to lair.  They found a lightning blasted, ancient tree with a large hole at the top.  Unfortunately, they alerted the fey by brushing past several wind chimes hanging from branches.

The fey attacked immediately; surprisingly very few of the group succumbed to the horrifying visages of the unseelie faeries this time.  A well placed Web spell and sleep arrows rendered most of the team helpless.  Katie managed to escape the Web but Zaven couldn’t reach a clear area and was unable to jump free.  This made the Web form imperfectly, weakened.

Katie quickly fumbled through her backpack for a torch and tinder but the faeries realized the Web was weak and had other ideas.  Before anyone could even think, the second fey blasted Thovan with Aganazar's Scorcher.   Thovan looked up and was horrified by the sight, he fled from the group, burning as he did so.  Disgusted by the situation, Katie threw her torch down and cast a Magic Missile killing the faerie that cast the Scorcher.  Through the quick spell work of Katie, the second Unseelie was also slain and the party found her spellbooks in the trunk of the tree.  In addition, they discovered some heavy glass vials of sparkly, colored “fluid”.  Thovan identified the vials as containing “souls”.

Now the party must decide how to enter the beast’s lair and what to do with the sleeping henchmen..

Friday, August 22, 2014

Monthly Calendar

This is the monthly calendar.  I inserted an extra day that is used for Midwinter, Greengrass, etc. It helps if the extra day is at the top so those days aren't forgotten.  Again, this was downloaded forever ago so the websites listed don’t work.  I left those notes on these jpgs because I am not claiming ownership of these, so credit should go to whoever these folks are.  They’re great resources, it’s sad that they are so hard to find on the web today.

Yearly Calendar

Here's a year long calendar of the Realms.  I found this on the web over 10 years ago, so the websites listed no longer work.  Remember Midwinter, Greengrass, Midsummer, Harvestide, and the Feast of the Moon are special days.  Think of them as 31st days of the previous month.  Current date is Marpenoth 25, 1365.

Monday, August 18, 2014


History of the Dales

General Knowledge

The modern Dalelands were created 1,365 years ago when the elves of Cormanthyr and the humans who began settling here signed the Dales Compact.  In addition, the elves raised the Standing Stone to ratify the treaty.  The current year is 1365 DR (Dale Reckoning)  The calendar used is based on this occurrence.  The Standing Stone is E-NE of Ashabenford (See map).

Here's a map for you folks...

Remember, Teland is a small hamlett between Mistletarn and Erages, just north of the Moonsea Ride.  It takes about a day walking to get there from Erages.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Previously 8/3/14

Previously in Mistledale:

The party received a message from Sir Galwaith while training in Erages. He informs that the beast yet lives. The party travels to Teland to investigate the matter. The town leader, Lady Casandra, tells the party that the kobolds that serve the beast are still active. The beast however, has not been seen in some time. The party leaves the next day going to basalt stone that fell in the forest over 300 years ago. Unknown entities crafted a keep atop the basalt stone and ruled here before the area was settled by folk that are today known as Dalesman.

Traveling to the beasts lair, the party lose their way after avoiding a perceived trap. Taking the left trail they discover of a stream and realize they are going the wrong way and turn back.  Soon after they come to a clearing and find some strange fetishes. Suddenly horrid, little evil fey appear. The startled party flee in all directions.

This was a disastrous occurrence for the party:

  • Katie, her pack bearer and Styve ran in random directions through the dense, cursed woods getting cut as they ran.
  • Captain Dusty and Thovan ran up the path to the left followed by Rusar and Lily (who was not feared but chose to follow the largest group to better her survival chances.)
  • Zaven followed the path to the right, running full out then  falling into a wide pool of quick sand.

Thovan, Rusar and the extras ran a foul of some wild dogs. Rusar flew into a rage after killing the first dog but the rest of the pack jumped on her and wounded her grievously.

Katie made it through the forest emerging near Zaven. Throwing him a rope, Katie begins pulling him out but Zaven “feels” he would like to explore the quick sand first. Searching the bottom, Zaven finds an item and is then pulled out. While Zaven explored Katie is confronted by one of the mischievious fey. She dispatched with ease and pulled Zaven free of the trap.  Zaven’s prize was a ceremonial scimitar dedicated to Meilikki.

Styve ran further into the woods.

Seeing his companion losing her battle with the mongrels, Thovan and Dusty pressed on but Rusar refused to retreat. Two of the fey followed the group. One cast a Grease effect under Rusar and Thovan. Thovan hopped to safety but Rusar lost her footing and fell prone. The mongrels continued the attack. The fey shot Dusty and Lily with sleep arrows, leaving Thovan to fight alone. Luckily he slew enough of the wild dogs to force the last two to retreat.  Then turned his bow on the fey, slaying one.

Styve made it through the brush onto a trail but was soon followed by one of the fey. Styve blocked the small fey’s arrows with ease but was almost ensnared by the creatures Web spell. Following the path Styve met up with Thovan. The two of them held off the two fey until they exhausted their ammunition. The two fey retreated into the woods leaving Thovan and Rusar gravely wounded and Lily and Dusty asleep.

The party met up once again in the clearing with the fetishes where they first encountered the fey.  The pack bearer was not found.  He was carrying Katie’s spellbooks, which are somewhat important.

To be continued…

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Summary 6/29/14

The kobold assault burned 17% of Erages.  The citizenry have stepped up militia patrols and found several areas where kobolds came up from beneath.  Officials in Ashabenford have said that several Riders of Mistledale will arrive in about 2 tenday to reestablish order.  For now there is strict martial law and no one is allowed to go out after dark.

Interactions in town

Father Prasst helps the PC’s and cares for Zaven as best he can with all the other injured folk.  This extra care grants Zaven a +2 bonus to his saves while under Prasst’s care.  Father Prasst is very interested in what the party is going to do.  He urges them to go back into the sewers and find out why the kobolds are attacking.  He wonders who is organizing them.  Prasst becomes very friendly to Zaven and Styve.

A warrior named Cygar, who has been in the Seven Silvers for some months now, was very instrumental in turning back the kobolds in the southern portion of town.  No one is sure why he is here but reports after the attack say he is a capable warrior.  He also managed to save several citizens during the fires as well.  Cygar is keen to see what the party do about the kobold situation in town. 

Jocyn, Katie’s mentor, was injured in the attack and nearly killed.  Sir Dramott managed to rescue him but not before Jocyn was grievously injured.  He remains bedridden next to Katie in the hall with many other wounded folk.  He asks that Katie help the people of the town.  He tells her that two orphanages were attacked and several kids are still missing. 

As Thovan goes in search of his dog, Rusar, he finds her with a human female, warrior.  Her name is Holly Huldane.  She found and helped Rusar when kobolds where closing in on her.  Holly was also injured in the attack but did manage to rescue the hound with her falcon, Skymark.  Holly assures Thovan that his friend is ok and asks what the party intends to do?  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Map of Erages


On the north western edge of Mistledale lies Erages, a town populated almost exclusively by half-elves. Originally a small logging village, Erages was quietly used by the aristocratic elves of the Elven Court as a place of exile for any shameful half-blooded children they procured via relations with non-elven guests or visits to the human city of Ashabenford.  While this practice is still prevalent (as evidenced by the numerous orphanages to be found in Erages), the village has since blossomed into a small town.  While most elves leave in the Retreat, Erages is populated and maintained almost solely by the mostly content half-elves who flock to the city
from all parts of the Moonsea. Half-elves from as far as Thar and Rashemon make pilgrimages to Erages, either to simply see the unusual city for themselves or in hopes of making a new life among people just like them.
Though Erages is often regarded as a sanctuary for half-elves who are unwelcome in the less tolerant realms around the Moonsea, the rights of its people are still subject to whatever elven overlords remain in the Elven Court who previously controlled the city. Citizens live mostly as they please, but still adhere to the laws of Mistledale and consider themselves more Mistledalesman than subjects of Cormanthor.
Erages was known for its criminal element, notably smuggling rings that specialize in getting humans into Myth Drannor and elven artifacts out of the country - for the right price. Most believe the infamous half-elf thief and smuggler Bienia Santritia to be master of these rings, but few know where to find the elusive criminal mastermind. Some 7 years ago, the Riders of Mistledale came in and cleaned up most of the bad element of town.  Zhents have been trying to fill the vacuum left by the smugglers but have so far had only mixed success. 
Erages is built among ruins far older than the half-elves living today - Remnants of an ancient elven town lying beneath the surface draws archaeologists of all stripes to study them and the dangerous subterranean passages under the town. The esteemed Erages Academy was founded in 1325 DR to support this influx of scholars, both half-elven and otherwise, addressing their needs and interests. The school specializes in elven archaeology and history, though many students also attend in hopes of learning from the school’s adventurers wing.
The Blackash Training Grounds, named after the famed half-elven hero who fought in the battle against Moander, has training for rogues, warriors and wizards.  Warriors learn many martial tactics and skills here and several Riders of Mistledale spend at least 6 months honing their abilities in Erages.  There is also a bard school for novice bards and a small mage tower facility for apprentice wizards. 
The Academy is currently run by Headmaster Sarouna Lei, a half-elven archaeologist and talented fighter/mage; beloved among the townspeople for her generosity and wise counsel.

CN small town
Corruption +0; crime +2;Economy +2;Law -1; Lore +1; Society +0
Qualities academic, notorious, prosperous, tourist attraction
Government As Mistledale
Population 750 (480 half-elves, 120 humans, 90 elves, 60 other)
Notable NPCs
Headmaster Sarouna Lei (female half-elf)
Mayor Mayor Uptal (male half-elf)
Base Value 500 gp; Purchase Limit 5,000 gp;

Places of Interest
The following are some of the more important buildings in Erages. If the PCs grew up in this town, they should have a home, located somewhere near the town’s edge.
1. Seven Silvers: Most visitors to Erages end up at this comfortable two-story inn and tavern. Run by Trelvar Silvers, this inn features modest prices (4 sp/night), decent food (3 sp/day), and a lively taproom. Trelvar is assisted by his daughter, Asina, and the overly friendly Jimes “Short Change” Iggins, who is known for giving himself generous tips.
2. Greathall: Typically used for meetings, weddings, and other celebrations, the Greathall is a tall, three-story wooden structure near the center of town. Inside is one grand space with a number of smaller rooms on each floor.
3. Orphanage (overloaded)
4. Temple of Meilikki: The only stone building in town is home to Erages’s only temple. While the church is officially dedicated to Meilikki, there are a number of shrines housed here, including Silvanus, Chauntea, Rillfane, and Solonor.  Father Prasst is the only priest, but most in town refer to him as the “High Priest.”
5. Town Watch Headquarters: This, usually empty building is the “garrison” of the Riders of Mistledale.  Any member may use the building as a temporary base and many riders passing through the town use the building at various times, holding prisoners, resting or restocking.
6. Renet’s Steel: While Renet’s shop services much of the town’s needs when it comes to metalworks, his quality is nowhere near that of Braggar’s. Most metal items can be found here for the standard prices, but there are no masterwork items to be found at Renet’s Steel.  Most weapons or armor from the equipment lists of 300 gp or less can be found here.  The mark up of items here is only 10%.
7. Holly’s Home: This is the home of Holly Huldane, one of the few human rangers who lives in Erages.  Mayor Uptal, who trusts the ranger’s instincts implicitly, frequently calls Holly to the town council to report and advise.
8. Sir Dramott’s Home: This is the home of Sir Dramott, a retired knight from Cormyr.  He retired here some 5 years ago and has a high standing in town.
9. Braggar’s Shop: This is the workshop and home of Braggar Ironhame, a dwarven blacksmith. Braggar’s works exceed those of Renet’s Steel, but he works much slower and charges a higher price. Braggar can forge nearly any weapon or armor item on the equipment list as well as custom items and armor etching.  His prices are high (+25%) but the quality of his work grants +5 hp to items and +1 to saves if applicable to items he forges.  Any rare or odd items from the equipment lists can be found here 10-60% of the time.
10. Orphanage (good quality)
11. Holgast’s Tower: Holgast’s slightly crooked tower stands at the edge of town.
12. Mayor Uptal’s Home: This modest building along the water is the home of Mayor Uptal, who can frequently be found in the Greathall holding meetings or on his small boat in the river, fishing.

13. Vargidan Estate: This is the home of the eccentric Vargidan family, and has a bit of a spooky reputation in town.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Last time, 1-5-14


The party has taken a contract from the Eldritch Gauntlet to Discover why Castle Kraal sank into the Black Swamp.  Travelling by boat, the party arrived just north of the castle, having to travel only a few miles to reach there. 
          After finding the castle grounds and exploring the bailey area, they cleared the barracks and had Justin and Deanna set their camp there.  On approaching the main keep doors, the party was swarmed by several dozen stirges.  The creatures seemed endless until a quirk of magic opened the sealed entry into the keep.  The party then seized the opportunity to escape and shut the door behind them.  Unfortunately, the doors relocked when closed.
          Cautiously exploring the long corridors, the party noticed an odd echo effect within the keep.  Sounds reverberate through the corridors and are magnified greatly, thus a few people moving through the corridors sound like several dozen people.  The first door the party came to was locked.  Chad dutifully attempted to pick the lock but failed.  This failure meant that someone had to force the door open.  Bellen accepted the challenge, and with a loud bang, the door was forced open. 
          The reptilian inhabitants of the room were ready, however, and a battle ensued.  Rhoen remained outside the room and soon noticed that the “attack” on the door was loud enough to attract another band of reptile men.  Two small battles went on and the party was victorious. 

  • The party fought 2 different types of reptilians. 
  • One type was locked in a room.  The lock was only on the outside.
  • No treasure was recovered after a search.
  • The spellcaster escaped but could not leave the keep.

This is what the scene looked like after the battle.

(As an aside, the labels for this game, from here on out, will be Thunder Rift campaign, instead of the previous Friday Meetup.)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

History of Castle Kraal

Two hundred and fifty years ago, the Horned Hills were overrun with ogres, ores, goblins, and their vassals the kobolds. These corrupt beasts, not content to remain in their own lands, raided human, elven, and dwarven communities throughout Thunder Rift. For years, ogres led their troops into battle, stealing whatever goods they were too lazy to produce for themselves. In response to their constant attacks the humans and dwarves proposed a plan to build a large castle in the Lower Great Grasslands, near the Horned Hills.
For years the ogres and their cohorts frustrated any building attempts by constant attacks which destroyed all such endeavors. The humans and dwarves had almost given up, when an elf suggested that they use the ogre’s own fear of water against them. The Black Swamps, just north of the Lower Great Grasslands, held great promise for a keep - if a method could be found to hold back the water. Two months and three ogre attacks passed and then a smith named Kraal conceived a plan. A portion of the Black Swamps was to be raised above the water table, and the castle would be built upon the rise. The project was completed in two years. Unfortunately, over 300 of the folk of Thunder Rift died in the process, either in the attacks of the ogres, or in the claws and talons of the natural and hungry creatures of the swamp. One of the folk who died during the construction of the castle was the smith, Kraal. After its completion, the fortress was christened Kraal Castle.

To garrison the keep in a state of constant readiness, 100 fighting men, 25 priests and 10 wizards were recruited to man to fortress. Whenever a threat of assault developed, these valiant warriors would ride out, on the dangerous journey through the Black Swamps, to greet the raiding savages with whetted steel and mystical compositions.
Originally considered to be an unattractive assignment, Castle Kraal soon became the one most sought.  Great war heroes and leaders emerged from its aging walls by the scores. The civilians sought the Kraal heroes to marry, and to become teachers, leaders, mayors, and guards. Their exploits became the rhymed tales in children's songs.
After nearly a century of service to the people of Thunder Rift, a rumor of degeneracy began to reach the ears of the folk there, and the honor of Castle Kraal dipped severely.  It was whispered that the success of an ogre raid against a small populace in the Lower Great Grasslands was due to a bribe given to the commandant of Kraal. No amount of talking, even with the use of magical divinations, could convince the people otherwise. The commandant was discharged and expelled to Kandor, in the south.  Thereafter, every commandant of Castle Kraal promised to clean up the evil deeds of the previous administration.  And a once proud leadership position became a circus act.
During this period the effectiveness of Castle Kraal was severely impaired. Raiding parties from the Horned Hills grew bolder with each foray and the morale of the castle's warriors and spell casters plummeted. They were increasingly inept at combating the marauding bands.  Soon morale became so low that a period of service at Castle Kraal was viewed as a punishment. And often, it was.
After seven years of bad conditions, dreadful morale, and an extraordinarily high desertion rate, a bright, talented, and young, commandant took command. Things did not change overnight, but feelings of quiet hope, subtle relief, and real expectation came over the Castle. The commandant ordered a salary increase for all personnel and gave each a substantial bonus for every year they had served before her installment.
She expanded the training available to all recruits and initiated free instruction for careers and occupations outside the militia. This enabled the garrison's defenders to prepare themselves for civilian work. All her planning and initiatives began to bear fruit. Morale increased sharply, requests for transfers from Castle Kraal decreased, and outside requests for transfers to the stronghold were on the rise.
It is unknown if the commandant's plans would have been successful in raising Castle Kraal to a station of respect and admiration again - the castle and all its inhabitants were destroyed shortly after her inauguration. Castle Kraal sank into the Black Swamps, taking everyone with it. No one came to report its destruction and a month later a scout was sent to investigate the silence.
Rumors abound concerning the castle's demise. Some believe that the Ogres prayers to Lamashtu were heard and she acted against the castle, others that the inhabitants of the swamp itself, somehow caused its fall. Regardless of the reason, the Ruins of Kraal, rotting in the Black Swamps, are universally shunned by the inhabitants of Thunder Rift - for their fear is stronger than their curiosity.