Monday, January 13, 2014

Last time, 1-5-14


The party has taken a contract from the Eldritch Gauntlet to Discover why Castle Kraal sank into the Black Swamp.  Travelling by boat, the party arrived just north of the castle, having to travel only a few miles to reach there. 
          After finding the castle grounds and exploring the bailey area, they cleared the barracks and had Justin and Deanna set their camp there.  On approaching the main keep doors, the party was swarmed by several dozen stirges.  The creatures seemed endless until a quirk of magic opened the sealed entry into the keep.  The party then seized the opportunity to escape and shut the door behind them.  Unfortunately, the doors relocked when closed.
          Cautiously exploring the long corridors, the party noticed an odd echo effect within the keep.  Sounds reverberate through the corridors and are magnified greatly, thus a few people moving through the corridors sound like several dozen people.  The first door the party came to was locked.  Chad dutifully attempted to pick the lock but failed.  This failure meant that someone had to force the door open.  Bellen accepted the challenge, and with a loud bang, the door was forced open. 
          The reptilian inhabitants of the room were ready, however, and a battle ensued.  Rhoen remained outside the room and soon noticed that the “attack” on the door was loud enough to attract another band of reptile men.  Two small battles went on and the party was victorious. 

  • The party fought 2 different types of reptilians. 
  • One type was locked in a room.  The lock was only on the outside.
  • No treasure was recovered after a search.
  • The spellcaster escaped but could not leave the keep.

This is what the scene looked like after the battle.

(As an aside, the labels for this game, from here on out, will be Thunder Rift campaign, instead of the previous Friday Meetup.)

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