Sunday, August 17, 2014

Previously 8/3/14

Previously in Mistledale:

The party received a message from Sir Galwaith while training in Erages. He informs that the beast yet lives. The party travels to Teland to investigate the matter. The town leader, Lady Casandra, tells the party that the kobolds that serve the beast are still active. The beast however, has not been seen in some time. The party leaves the next day going to basalt stone that fell in the forest over 300 years ago. Unknown entities crafted a keep atop the basalt stone and ruled here before the area was settled by folk that are today known as Dalesman.

Traveling to the beasts lair, the party lose their way after avoiding a perceived trap. Taking the left trail they discover of a stream and realize they are going the wrong way and turn back.  Soon after they come to a clearing and find some strange fetishes. Suddenly horrid, little evil fey appear. The startled party flee in all directions.

This was a disastrous occurrence for the party:

  • Katie, her pack bearer and Styve ran in random directions through the dense, cursed woods getting cut as they ran.
  • Captain Dusty and Thovan ran up the path to the left followed by Rusar and Lily (who was not feared but chose to follow the largest group to better her survival chances.)
  • Zaven followed the path to the right, running full out then  falling into a wide pool of quick sand.

Thovan, Rusar and the extras ran a foul of some wild dogs. Rusar flew into a rage after killing the first dog but the rest of the pack jumped on her and wounded her grievously.

Katie made it through the forest emerging near Zaven. Throwing him a rope, Katie begins pulling him out but Zaven “feels” he would like to explore the quick sand first. Searching the bottom, Zaven finds an item and is then pulled out. While Zaven explored Katie is confronted by one of the mischievious fey. She dispatched with ease and pulled Zaven free of the trap.  Zaven’s prize was a ceremonial scimitar dedicated to Meilikki.

Styve ran further into the woods.

Seeing his companion losing her battle with the mongrels, Thovan and Dusty pressed on but Rusar refused to retreat. Two of the fey followed the group. One cast a Grease effect under Rusar and Thovan. Thovan hopped to safety but Rusar lost her footing and fell prone. The mongrels continued the attack. The fey shot Dusty and Lily with sleep arrows, leaving Thovan to fight alone. Luckily he slew enough of the wild dogs to force the last two to retreat.  Then turned his bow on the fey, slaying one.

Styve made it through the brush onto a trail but was soon followed by one of the fey. Styve blocked the small fey’s arrows with ease but was almost ensnared by the creatures Web spell. Following the path Styve met up with Thovan. The two of them held off the two fey until they exhausted their ammunition. The two fey retreated into the woods leaving Thovan and Rusar gravely wounded and Lily and Dusty asleep.

The party met up once again in the clearing with the fetishes where they first encountered the fey.  The pack bearer was not found.  He was carrying Katie’s spellbooks, which are somewhat important.

To be continued…

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