Friday, June 3, 2011

Miranda Pegason

Here is background and current info for Miranda

Miranda's father is a retired General of the city of Archenbridge and has great hopes for his daughter's success. He demands she improve her training in sword play and general combat so that she will always be ready to defend Archendale.

Miranda’s father spent many hours training and teaching her about the love and care of swords and their uses when he was younger. Now he pays expert warriors to teach her specialized skills. He has her pore over books to see how to correctly map areas. Her father tells of the great battle with a few giants that came out of the Thunder Peaks 20 years ago. How his travels brought him to other giants and what to watch for in any areas she may travel.

On a fateful trip to visit her aunt in Daggerdale, the town was raided by Zhents. Miranda witnessed the murder of her uncle, while she and her cousin hid within a wardrobe, her Aunt was kidnapped and taken to Dagger Falls as a slave. Her cousin now resides with her parents, and her sister who is studying under Stellaga Brightstar in the Temple of Lathander.

She hopes to one day establish her own fortress and perhaps some day mount an attack on Dagger Falls and find her Aunt alive. Fearing the worst for her aunt, she only shares her private hopes with her Father.

After joining this team, Miranda had found some folk that told her, her aunt was no longer a Zhent prisoner. The slaves were freed by Rhuobhe elves that attacked the slave caravan. This gave Miranda a hope to locate her aunt before the Zhentarim recaptured her.

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