Thursday, June 2, 2011

Amara, Feywarden

Here is background and current info for Amara

Amara is a moon elf of Feywarden of Corellon. Amara is very faithful and pious to Corellon and displayed these qualities during her training to become a feywarden.

Amara hails from Arwen. This village of elves was abandoned sometime ago and is deserted. Amara chose to remain when the rest of the village left to travel to Evermeet. Amara was stalked by an elf who wanted to mate with her. It is unknown what became of him after the villagers decided to leave. Amara knows Silnare from Arwen.

Amara joined Amareth and Silnare to in their adventures when Silnare asked her for aid. Soon the group was joined by two more adventurers, Miranda and Lita when the group strived to aid the village of Barrow’s Edge.

With the town saved, Amara returned to Corellon’s Grove, near Highmoon, frequently, to train or provide aid to the priest there. During this time, a notorious elven warrior, Rhuobhe Manslayer, began gathering the left over elves throughout Archendale. Rhuobhe then claimed the deserted village of Arwen and began fortifying it. This act led to an escalation of hostilities between Rhuobhe’s elves and the Swords of Archendale.

Many elves fled south to avoid both factions but have been unable to settle anywhere. Many have set up a shanty town just outside Barrow’s Edge. These elves look to Amara and Silnare for aid.

Amara recently had a vision of glittering armor and a strong compulsion to travel westward. The party followed and found a small lair of goblins and hobgoblins. Outside the lair was an obelisk of black stone. Deeper in the lair, were signs that this was a greater structure many years ago. Also, the party encountered two creatures of great power – a howler and a maug.

The maug stated it was set there to guard over that portion of the “citadel”. The howler was bound to several runes that limited it’s movement. Near the howler, Amara found a chain mail coif. This was part of the armor from Amara’s vision. Both creatures were given a wide berth by the goblins and hobgoblins.

Amara began the construction of a shrine to Corellon in the center of the shanty town near Barrow’s Edge. This is where she decided to keep the armor when it is assembled.

Amara has received another vision from Corellon four days after taking the coif to the shrine. She feels no compulsion…yet.

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