Friday, June 3, 2011

Miranda Pegason

Here is background and current info for Miranda

Miranda's father is a retired General of the city of Archenbridge and has great hopes for his daughter's success. He demands she improve her training in sword play and general combat so that she will always be ready to defend Archendale.

Miranda’s father spent many hours training and teaching her about the love and care of swords and their uses when he was younger. Now he pays expert warriors to teach her specialized skills. He has her pore over books to see how to correctly map areas. Her father tells of the great battle with a few giants that came out of the Thunder Peaks 20 years ago. How his travels brought him to other giants and what to watch for in any areas she may travel.

On a fateful trip to visit her aunt in Daggerdale, the town was raided by Zhents. Miranda witnessed the murder of her uncle, while she and her cousin hid within a wardrobe, her Aunt was kidnapped and taken to Dagger Falls as a slave. Her cousin now resides with her parents, and her sister who is studying under Stellaga Brightstar in the Temple of Lathander.

She hopes to one day establish her own fortress and perhaps some day mount an attack on Dagger Falls and find her Aunt alive. Fearing the worst for her aunt, she only shares her private hopes with her Father.

After joining this team, Miranda had found some folk that told her, her aunt was no longer a Zhent prisoner. The slaves were freed by Rhuobhe elves that attacked the slave caravan. This gave Miranda a hope to locate her aunt before the Zhentarim recaptured her.

Silnäre, Archmage

Here is background and current info for Silnäre

From a young age, Silnäre was always fascinated with both the practices and mechanics of various types of magic. Over time his experimentation and visible curiosity in the arts attracted the attention of an elven Master of Wizardry, Eralion. After seeing a spark of both wisdom and potential in Silnäre, Eralion quickly tested him for his knowledge and ability. Silnäre was rapidly made into his apprentice for his achievement on his test. For three-quarters of a century Silnäre trained under Eralion. During this time, Silnäre found that his training was always harried, and it wasn’t until the 75th year of this training that he sensed that something was wrong with Eralion. Eralion, at first only began to walk slower than normal, and would need to rest more often throughout the day. Eventually, he even lost the use of his left arm and leg. When Silnäre finally questioned Eralion as to what was amiss, Eralion revealed that he had been cursed long ago by an evil wizard. The curse had lain dormant in his being long before he had chosen Silnäre as an apprentice. Removing his shirt, Eralion revealed that his left arm and leg had both turned to rotting flesh. Eralion reassured Silnäre that although he had but little time to live, Silnäre had ages of his life ahead of himself to learn from even greater masters of magic, and even more importantly the magic which one learns from life the experiences of journeying. A few months later the effects of the evil wizard's curse finally drew Eralion to death's embrace.

As fate would have it, Silnäre returned to his home village, Arwen, only to find a mass evacuation in effect. The villagers were evacuating to avoid the imposing hordes of ogres that were threatening them. Although the elves were ordered to evacuate to Evermeet, the island of the elves, Silnäre decided to stay in the town of Highmoon, a town with a well mixed population of elves and humans. There, he rested for a time, until the rumors of an impending ogre invasion began to spread. Wanting to defend his new home, Silnäre took up arms with the local militia and befriended the noble Paladin Amareth.

Thaimor (owner of the Mysticality) fled Barrow's Edge and joined Rhuobhe in the Archwood. While rummaging through the Mysticallity shop, Amara and Silnäre found an amulet that Silnäre had seen within Eralion's tome. Through extensive study, Silnäre learned that the amulet was protective, but more importantly could be used to access a tower of one of Eralion's associates.

The tower was located in Sembia and was called the Tower of Riddick. Eldamari Riddick was Eralion's associate. He has not been seen in some hundred years or so. Silnäre is keen to investigate this tower. Either to question Eldamari about Eralion's illness or to seek treasure in a ruined tower. Either would be agreeable to him.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Amara, Feywarden

Here is background and current info for Amara

Amara is a moon elf of Feywarden of Corellon. Amara is very faithful and pious to Corellon and displayed these qualities during her training to become a feywarden.

Amara hails from Arwen. This village of elves was abandoned sometime ago and is deserted. Amara chose to remain when the rest of the village left to travel to Evermeet. Amara was stalked by an elf who wanted to mate with her. It is unknown what became of him after the villagers decided to leave. Amara knows Silnare from Arwen.

Amara joined Amareth and Silnare to in their adventures when Silnare asked her for aid. Soon the group was joined by two more adventurers, Miranda and Lita when the group strived to aid the village of Barrow’s Edge.

With the town saved, Amara returned to Corellon’s Grove, near Highmoon, frequently, to train or provide aid to the priest there. During this time, a notorious elven warrior, Rhuobhe Manslayer, began gathering the left over elves throughout Archendale. Rhuobhe then claimed the deserted village of Arwen and began fortifying it. This act led to an escalation of hostilities between Rhuobhe’s elves and the Swords of Archendale.

Many elves fled south to avoid both factions but have been unable to settle anywhere. Many have set up a shanty town just outside Barrow’s Edge. These elves look to Amara and Silnare for aid.

Amara recently had a vision of glittering armor and a strong compulsion to travel westward. The party followed and found a small lair of goblins and hobgoblins. Outside the lair was an obelisk of black stone. Deeper in the lair, were signs that this was a greater structure many years ago. Also, the party encountered two creatures of great power – a howler and a maug.

The maug stated it was set there to guard over that portion of the “citadel”. The howler was bound to several runes that limited it’s movement. Near the howler, Amara found a chain mail coif. This was part of the armor from Amara’s vision. Both creatures were given a wide berth by the goblins and hobgoblins.

Amara began the construction of a shrine to Corellon in the center of the shanty town near Barrow’s Edge. This is where she decided to keep the armor when it is assembled.

Amara has received another vision from Corellon four days after taking the coif to the shrine. She feels no compulsion…yet.

Ultimate DM Screen

Soon this will be mine. Will you fall before it's gates??

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Amareth Rathos

Here is background and current info for Amareth

Amareth Rathos was born into a prestigious and wealthy family in the town of Archenbridge. As an heir to the family fortune, his parents had always intended for him to become a master of the fine arts and live a courtly life. However, at the young age of thirteen, Amareth was visited by the righteous and famous Paladin, Gilneas. At that moment, despite his parent's protests, Amareth believed he was destined to devote his life to the ways of a glorious paladin of Tyr.

His training began immediately, and Amareth grew stronger with each passing year. By his sixteenth year, he had taken and succeeded his final test, becoming a full fledged Paladin. The celebrations were short lived, however, for there soon came a day which would alter the fates of both Gilneas and Amareth irrevocably.

A story of a terrible massacre in a small village drew the two Paladins like moths to a flame. When Gilneas and Amareth arrived, the village was in ruins and its citizens laid in pools their own blood. At the center, stood a single man. This man radiated a terrible and evil force that paralyzed Amareth with fear and shook even Gilneas' mighty frame. It was a Death Knight, a being of pure malevolence and evil. In little more than a moment, Glineas and the Death Knight became locked in a bloody combat, as Amareth could do naught but watch from the sidelines. Then, as soon as it had begun, the end came. The Death Knight swiftly ran Gilneas through the stomach. Amareth looked on in horror as Glineas clutched at his mortal wound. Looking up, his eyes met Amareth's and he gave a silent plea: save yourself and run. Then, Gilneas' eyes clouded, as his head was severed from his body and brought into the air. The Death Knight's laughter echoed through the desecrated village as he stalked toward Amareth. Suddenly, as though Tyr himself had shaken him, Amareth's paralysis ebbed, and he ran away.

For years, Amareth trained, vowing to take Gilneas' place and uphold the laws of justice and the code of Tyr’s Paladins.

More recently during his travels, Amareth has joined an adventuring party consisting of an elven mage, Silnäre, and an elven priest, Amara. Soon thereafter, two more member joined the group and they called themselves the Order of the Argent Dusk.

With the Order, Amareth has helped save the small town of Barrow's Edge, becoming a local hero there. Recently raised, Amareth has found a journal of a paladin that lived some 100 years ago. In the journal there is information about a holy avenger. Also, Keldorn, Amareth's trainer, has sent him a message that Gilneas left his keep to Amareth. This was in Gilneas' will but Keldorn did not tell Amareth earlier, thinking it better to wait and see if Amareth was worthy of this gift.

During his last outing, Amareth has been afflicted with a curse that causes great fear within him. He must test his mettle each time he meets a non-human creature on the field of battle.