Saturday, August 1, 2009

The starting town...

Barrow’s Edge

Goodseller’s Emporium –
Owner, Marjory Goodseller
Partner, Garrett
Shop has any PHB items that are less than 100 gp.

Halls of the Broken Ones
Temple of Ilmater
Sister Listra (C1) aided the party as best she could. She received quite a bit of tithe money from the paladin, Amareth, so there may be some improvements made to the temple soon.

Inn –
Owner, Mallie
Barrow’s Edge has no mayor, so the default leader of the hamlet is Mallie.
Mallie is good friends with Arval and Fergus.

Mysticallity –
Owner, Thamior (M5)
Thamior is a mage from Arwen. He opened this small hedge shop here but has no loyalty to the town. He and Silnare apprenticed to the same archmage in Arwen, but Thamior left some 3 years ago under dubious circumstances. (The archmage tired of Thamior’s dour personality and biting attitude and dismissed him from his apprenticship.)
Thamior’s shop has a mark up of about 35% but he lowers that for elves, especially cute elven lasses. Thamior can train mages up to level 3. His prices vary, elves usually pay 25% less. (Wis: 14)

Notable personalities
Arval – Moneylender
A dwarf that settled here over 2 decades ago. Aside from his great wealth, no one knows much about him.
Fergus – Scout (R6)
Fergus is Lita’s father. He trained her as a ranger as well and is protective of her. He was well known in Archenbridge some 40 years ago, working as a scout for the Archendale army. Fergus is a grizzled ranger that has lived near Barrow’s Edge for over 15 years. He can train aspiring rangers up to level 4. (Wis: 16)
Liam –
Poor child “saved” by the party when two creatures stalked the hamlets alley. The party was not quick enough to save Liam’s father. Orphaned, the party left the child rather quickly as they had other problems to deal with. Liam was left in the Halls of the Broken Ones but his final home is unknown.
Percival – Farmer
Pig farmer that lives somewhat east of Barrow’s Edge. The party saved this farmer from orcs that came from the Caves of Shadow. In return, Percival pointed the party back to Barrow’s Edge, they were quite lost before they saved him.

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