Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pics are coming

One of my players and best friend likes to do small sketches of things that happen during the game. This is a friend that visits infrequently as well. We had a game going before but after I moved here, we only game a little during visits. But those campaigns are also paused and are picked up whenever every one is together. Anyway, the purpose of this post is to let you folks know that I am going to try to get some pics up either here or on my Flickr account, or both if I have to. I'll try to add a caption for context and a bit of background but the most important thing to know about these sketches is that they are rough pencil art, cranked out rather quickly by a skilled artist. He basically captures the moment for us all at the table and helps us visualize what just happened. I can't help chuckling when I look at these sketches and remember the situation. Hope to get these up soon. I am scanning them in even as I type this.

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