Friday, August 14, 2009

No GenCon

Sorry there have been no posts but no one is reading this anyway. I just use it as a catharsis (hope that's the right use and tense of the word) for myself. The point of this post is to let you folks know I didn't go to GenCon again. I live just outside Atlanta and won't be making DragonCon, either. It tweaks me but what can I do? I will go eventually but will either Con be as good in the future as they were a few years ago? I think the game-o-sphere isn't getting better, I see a definate decline but that could just be a veiw the economy in general.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Back on subject

Ok, so my last few posts strayed from the LawCon topic so I will try to get back to that.

I gave a bit of info about Barrow's Edge because I thought the party may return there every now and again. This may be a surprise to them. The main reason is that one of the characters, Lita is from here and has family here still. Another, is that the party failed to defeat the final villian of Scourge of the Howling Horde. This villian may return later so I need all the facts about the town availible to everyone.

Now on to the characters:
Amareth went to Archenbridge to find a paladin to train him. He managed to find one after visiting with his family for a few days. Lord Keldorn was the paladin that trained Gilthias (Amareth's mentor). As a matter of fact, Gilthias was like a son to Keldorn until Gilthias became aware of the prophesy that lead him to Amareth. Keldorn was never interested in prophesies and so he didn't approve of his student's wish to train the boy.
Keldorn and Victor Rathos (an uncle of Amareth) once adventured together before falling out and breaking up the party, the Company of Sword and Shield. Because of Victor's experiences with Keldorn, most of the Rathos family dislike him.
Keldorn agrees to train Amareth because he is curious if this boy is worthy of Gilthias' sacrifice.
Also, while in the city, Amareth hires a scribe to read aloud the paladin journal so that he can figure out the location of a lost holy avenger blade.

For the player of Amareth to adjust on his character:
The training takes two tenday and costs 750 gp. At the conclusion of this, Amareth must roll an Int. or Wis. check, whichever is higher. Success indicates the level has been achieved. Failure results in another tenday of training, 115 more gp spent and another roll with a +1 bonus (culmative). Continue until a check is passed and the level is gained. Living expense will be low since Amareth can stay at his family's estate. The scribe will charge 3 sp/day (minimum time will be 25 days).

More to come...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Take 3

Looks like this one worked!!!

Take 2

This time?

Nope. I think I'll ask some bloggers that I regularly read...

Test Pic

Let's see if this works. I have been struggling with Flickr and the Blogspot, seems they don't like each other too much...

Guess it didn't work :/

Pics are coming

One of my players and best friend likes to do small sketches of things that happen during the game. This is a friend that visits infrequently as well. We had a game going before but after I moved here, we only game a little during visits. But those campaigns are also paused and are picked up whenever every one is together. Anyway, the purpose of this post is to let you folks know that I am going to try to get some pics up either here or on my Flickr account, or both if I have to. I'll try to add a caption for context and a bit of background but the most important thing to know about these sketches is that they are rough pencil art, cranked out rather quickly by a skilled artist. He basically captures the moment for us all at the table and helps us visualize what just happened. I can't help chuckling when I look at these sketches and remember the situation. Hope to get these up soon. I am scanning them in even as I type this.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Ever wonder what it would be like to play an RPG in the Olympics? I just found this web show and it's kind of like our world except table top rpg games are like basket ball. It's like the game is a real sport but they compete for medals like the Olympics. I guess you could say it's like a Pokemon Earth except the sport is table top RPG's. Check it out. I got the trailer, hope this embed thing works.

The starting town...

Barrow’s Edge

Goodseller’s Emporium –
Owner, Marjory Goodseller
Partner, Garrett
Shop has any PHB items that are less than 100 gp.

Halls of the Broken Ones
Temple of Ilmater
Sister Listra (C1) aided the party as best she could. She received quite a bit of tithe money from the paladin, Amareth, so there may be some improvements made to the temple soon.

Inn –
Owner, Mallie
Barrow’s Edge has no mayor, so the default leader of the hamlet is Mallie.
Mallie is good friends with Arval and Fergus.

Mysticallity –
Owner, Thamior (M5)
Thamior is a mage from Arwen. He opened this small hedge shop here but has no loyalty to the town. He and Silnare apprenticed to the same archmage in Arwen, but Thamior left some 3 years ago under dubious circumstances. (The archmage tired of Thamior’s dour personality and biting attitude and dismissed him from his apprenticship.)
Thamior’s shop has a mark up of about 35% but he lowers that for elves, especially cute elven lasses. Thamior can train mages up to level 3. His prices vary, elves usually pay 25% less. (Wis: 14)

Notable personalities
Arval – Moneylender
A dwarf that settled here over 2 decades ago. Aside from his great wealth, no one knows much about him.
Fergus – Scout (R6)
Fergus is Lita’s father. He trained her as a ranger as well and is protective of her. He was well known in Archenbridge some 40 years ago, working as a scout for the Archendale army. Fergus is a grizzled ranger that has lived near Barrow’s Edge for over 15 years. He can train aspiring rangers up to level 4. (Wis: 16)
Liam –
Poor child “saved” by the party when two creatures stalked the hamlets alley. The party was not quick enough to save Liam’s father. Orphaned, the party left the child rather quickly as they had other problems to deal with. Liam was left in the Halls of the Broken Ones but his final home is unknown.
Percival – Farmer
Pig farmer that lives somewhat east of Barrow’s Edge. The party saved this farmer from orcs that came from the Caves of Shadow. In return, Percival pointed the party back to Barrow’s Edge, they were quite lost before they saved him.