Friday, July 31, 2009

Let's try again...

Well, it's been a year...

Anyway, my cousins were down again on their summer vacation and they wanted to continue the adventure that they started last year. When they left, I told them I would "pause" the game right where they were. And I did. I packed their character sheets and the adventure into my filecabinet and left it there...until they came back. They proceeded to chew through that adventure and wanted to go on. So I am building a campaign that meets yearly. My name is Lawrence and this was kinda like a Con, so I named the campaign LawCon.

On this visit, the party finished the main module and I got them to do a couple of sidetrek adventures, they all (most) got a level and we ended with the group splitting up to get training in several different towns.

A few notes about the setting. I use the Forgotten Realms setting and this group is in Archendale. Most are from Archendale.

Adventures used:
Scourge of the Howling Horde (3.5e)
Cave of Shadows (3e)
Beetle Caves (custom)

Now this is an AD&D 2e campaign so I converted the third edition modules to 2e and used them. The Beetle Cave adventure was one I made just for the heck of it. I used the AD&D core rules program extensively. I let that program do all the xp calculations and whatnot. More later, it took two days just to make this post.

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