Friday, July 31, 2009

The Party

Here's some general info about the party:

The party has yet to name themselves.
Amareth Rathos - Male Human Paladin of Tyr
Amara - Female Elf Feywarden of Corellon
Silnare - Male Elf Mage
Miranda - Female Human Fighter (Warrior of Archendale kit)
Lita - Female Half-Elf Ranger (Pathfinder kit)

Amareth and Miranda are both from Archenbridge.
Silnare and Amara were both from Arwen, before the village decided to leave for Evermeet.
Lita is from the area around Barrow's Edge. Her mother was from Arwen.

Amareth and Lita are played by one player. Silnare is played by one player. Miranda and Amara are played by one player. The party of three was getting spanked so I allowed two players to create extra characters. Silnare's player said one character was enough.

More to come...

Let's try again...

Well, it's been a year...

Anyway, my cousins were down again on their summer vacation and they wanted to continue the adventure that they started last year. When they left, I told them I would "pause" the game right where they were. And I did. I packed their character sheets and the adventure into my filecabinet and left it there...until they came back. They proceeded to chew through that adventure and wanted to go on. So I am building a campaign that meets yearly. My name is Lawrence and this was kinda like a Con, so I named the campaign LawCon.

On this visit, the party finished the main module and I got them to do a couple of sidetrek adventures, they all (most) got a level and we ended with the group splitting up to get training in several different towns.

A few notes about the setting. I use the Forgotten Realms setting and this group is in Archendale. Most are from Archendale.

Adventures used:
Scourge of the Howling Horde (3.5e)
Cave of Shadows (3e)
Beetle Caves (custom)

Now this is an AD&D 2e campaign so I converted the third edition modules to 2e and used them. The Beetle Cave adventure was one I made just for the heck of it. I used the AD&D core rules program extensively. I let that program do all the xp calculations and whatnot. More later, it took two days just to make this post.