Sunday, September 25, 2011

Just got a bunch of Mage Knight minis I ordered off ebay. Pretty good selection. Now I just have to rebase them and they’ll be ready to game. Here’s a pic of the minis.

This one will be a good lamia stand in (the WotC 4e lamia sucks and the mini is terrible):

This one is a good scaladar mini:

Most of the rest are good PC types.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Myth Celeborn - L2

Here is level two of Myth Celeborn.  On this level, there were floating wild magic and dead magic areas.  This made spellcasting a bit...challenging.

Now to explore the final level.  Good luck!

Myth Celeborn

Here is level 1 of Myth Celeborn.  Bellen cleared out all the orcs and owlbears.  The stairs down to level 2 were guarded by two mummies.

This map was made using Jai's Dungeon Tiles Mapper.  I use WotC Dungeon Tiles whenever I can and this is a simple program that lets me make the mapsquick an easy.  (Hunting down the tiles to game with is a bit more cumbersome.)

Next post will be level two...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bellen Brigade

Previously in Bellen’s Brigade:
Leaving Waterdeep and heading north, Bellen comes across a camp of elves that are the refugees from Arwen, her home village. Meeting their leader, her uncle, she learns the group has had a hard journey but that the elven queen has sent some ships to pick them up so they may conclude their voyage to Evermeet.

While in the camp, some creatures attacked that, when slain, reverted to missing elves from Arwen. Bellen and Solaris, her henchman, quickly set out to learn what transformed the elf and why he attacked.

Tracking the creature was easy and Bellen soon came to a rift hidden in the Westwood forest. This rift led to a planar prison that held an aspect of Selvetarm. The prison was decaying and Selvetarm was able to transform unwary elves into servants called kehtals. The kehtals then advanced the prison’s damage which would eventually enable Selvetarm to escape. Bellen was anxious to stop the kehtals but was sorry about the slain elves. Unfortunately, the kehtals destroyed enough wards to allow Selvetarm to awake. Bellen attempted to stop him but was overpowered and Selvetarm quickly left the planar prison. Bellen, her companions, and a few surviving elves were removed from the prison by some protectar angels who healed them and returned to the Westwood.

Bellen was unable to track the aspect of Selvetarm and the group made camp. Late in the evening, a moonglow appeared. The moonglow was said to lead to an ancient elven ruin in the Westwood or to the village of Kheldell. The surviving elves followed the moonglow to Kheldell while Bellen decided to explore the elven ruin.

Arriving at the ruin, Bellen was attacked by an evil treant. Bellen and Solaris were able to discern that this was an elven keep called Myth Celeborn. Inside the ruins, Bellen found a tribe of orcs using it as a lair. After clearing out her hated enemies, Bellen learned that Myth Celeborn was used to house elven treasures, magical and mundane, before transport to Evermeet. As the various elves left their homes and journeyed to Evermeet, Myth Celeborn was used to store elven artifacts. Their intent was to remove the items before abandoning Faerun and the keep for good. The elves must have been forced to flee before completing their plan. Bellen found guarded stairs that led down. The orcs could not pass the guardians. Bellen decided to delve deeper into the ruins in search of any relics that can be returned to Evermeet.

In the second level, Bellen found some guardians and undead. Solaris found that the mythal of Myth Celeborn was still somewhat in effect on the second level. Bellen and her henchmen found several items of treasure sealed on the second level. She also rescued a trapped faedorne that had been there for several centuries. The faedorne, Naisal, told Bellen that there is another prisoner on the third (last) level of Myth Celeborn. Finding the stairs to the lower level buried in rubble, Bellen was surprised as an ancient elven spirit gestured her onward.

Several hours of digging later, the party was able to descend to the third level.

This is where we begin…

Friday, September 16, 2011

DM Merit bagdes

I put up the DM Merit badges that denote my style of play on the right side of my blog. This is a great idea. I will soon order the physical pins. You can get those here: Cafepress. Check out this blog to read about it: Strange Magic. Of course there are so many blogs I would never have heard about it without Obsidian Portal’s Haste podcast. Thanks guys.


I was behind on my buying but I finally have the God of the Undead - Orcus!!

This is on a 4" by 4" base that is removable. That would make this “mini” a gargantuan creature.
I have the Aspect of Orcus, the mini produced by WotC and a metal mini from Reaper that bears a striking resemblance to Orcus but both are large size and I think gods should be a bit bigger.
Now I just have to figure which campaign will have a dash of Orcus.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Constantine's level

Constantine has made level 7 from his xp from the delve and battle with the Avatar Ulutiu. This is good news because he has also found a Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms. Between these two, he will be back at level 8 in no time. Provided he spends the month in Waterdeep studying and applying his techniques, he can leave Waterdeep at level 8.
Should Constantine remain in Waterdeep and extra 45 days? Akul and Linus will not be waiting.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Constantine begins

You left Waterdeep on Ches 3, 1370. You spend some 25 days on the Great Glacier. After defeating Ulutiu, you are returned to Waterdeep on Ches 28. Linus decides to return to the Dalelands. Bellen decides to travel north to the High Forest, where it is rumored that a magical spring there could restore her moonblade, Redstrike.

You begin here. Constantine can go off on his own or travel with Linus and Akul back to the Dalelands. (You decide on going back to the Dalelands.) You may take this opportunity to buy supplies in Waterdeep before leaving on the long journey. (You may decide to train with the harpoon while in Waterdeep. I believe you have a slot open and you have Ulutiu’s harpoon. The training will take 15 days and cost 75 gp at a branch of the Order of the Slashing Sword. Also, in Waterdeep, you may have some of your loot appraised and identified. An apothecary can identify the three potions you have that are unidentified. Cost will be 125 gp/potion. Any appraiser will give you a value for the gold mask for 4% of it’s cost or purchase it for 90% of it’s value.)