Thursday, August 11, 2022

Dark Watch Forest

 This part of the forest is cursed and spawns hordes of undead. This curse occurred because several drow came up from the underdark on a raid and killed the unicorn guardian of this portion of the forest. Three other unicorns, the rest of the family, have not been able to enter the area and cleanse it. Various evil fey have been drawn to the area and are trying to kill the rest of the unicorns. The unicorn family consists of the unicorn's mate (a male, mature adult) and 2 young unicorns, a stallion and a filly.

   The drow have the unicorn's horn and are using it in vile rituals. They have managed to permanently darken a portion of the woods that they have made their base. Some of the evil fey have made agreements with them to guard parts of the woods.

   In a glade near a path, is a cemetery that is over 100 years old. It has remained unspoiled because it is on consecrated ground. The dead here cannot be raised and evil, extra-planar or undead creatures cannot enter the cemetery. I n a mausoleum, in this cemetery is a secret passage leading down the gnoll lair. There are a few other ways to enter this lair.

   One is a caved-in earthen area where a legendary chimera was recently released. This beast returns here every full moon to rejuvenate itself. This entry must be excavated in order to enter the gnoll lair. The entire project will take 40 man hours. This assumes experienced miners, gear and a foreman skilled in engineering. The planning itself will take 2 days. Once the entry is made, the tunnel leads to an underground pool and river that flows under the lair. There is a pit in the lair that comes in to this cavern and the river there is fast flowing.

   The second entry is near the drow base, in the darkened portion of the forest. Several red caps lair there and the entry leads to a long passage thaP enters the lair on level two.

   A third way is to enter through a non-descript cave and follow a long passage from there that eventually leads to a miles long corridor that is partially collapsed. This is the corridor that is near the gnoll lair.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

5 Years later in the Dalelands


Devin Thunderstrike has left and gone into the underdark looking for his friend Axel Redmane.  He left before the drow established a base in the Dark Watch. 


          With the sacrifice of Silnare’s soul and the unicorns, Lolth was pleased and placed a permanent darkness over a 15 mile area of the forest.  The drow forces have been bolstered by reinforcements of more drow from the underdark.  Many servitor creatures also came up from below.  The good fey creatures of the forest died or have been hunted and slain.  Several plants have been warped by the evil pervading the land and evil fey have come to the Dark Watch to ply their trade.


          Drow now have a stronghold in the Dark Watch and an alliance with the Legendary Chimera, the Blackheart.  With these assets, the drow have begun to threaten Highmoon and many of the Dales are rallying for war. The Zhentarim of Shadowdale are not committed in this upcoming war but Archendale and Arwen Fortress have a truce to work together against the drow and the Blackheart.


          Barrow’s Edge was recently attacked by a large force of Zhentarim and monsters.  The outcome was complete destruction of Barrow’s Edge and the sacking of Larathian village. Four days after the dome went upelven soldiers from Arwen Fortress and several contingents of Riders of Archendale were able to penetrate the Zhentish barrier.


          They found that the Zhents were able to teleport out of the dome. Most of the humans of Barrow’s Edge were slain. Many of the elves and a minority of humans managed to survive in the temple of Corellon within Larathian village.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Lawcon 2022


Ok, so Lawcon 2022 is over. I am going to photograph some of the dungeons and post them here for you guys to see what was going on. Before I do that, here is a questionaire I would like you all to read and answer. Please reply in the comments (anonymously, if you want) or by email if you don't want anyone else to know what you think. I want to know so I can try to address any serious concerns and make the game better.


What did you like best?


What did you like least?


Do you think your character got the spotlight at any time?


If you got the spotlight, was it ok?


If you didn’t get the spotlight, was that ok?


Did your character get enough spotlight?


Were there any rules that really rub you wrong? Don’t complain about Thac0, these would be things like the crit table or blue book rules.


Was there something you wanted to do in character but didn’t get to do? Was there something you wanted to do but couldn’t do for any reason?


What could I, as DM, to make the game more fun for you specifically? What could I, as DM, have done to make the game more fun for the group, in general?

Friday, May 18, 2018

After 2016

After the battle, after Silnare got out from under the oversized chair, after Amara was found standing on the bodies of two dead half-giants; the party explored southwest from the room where they found half-giants and ogres.

Finding two chained and beaten elves in a corridor, Silnare notes the pillars and chains had runes that impeded shapeshifting.  Miranda noted that the elves seemed dodgy and when confronted, the elves admit that they are actually wood giants beaten and captured by the giants.  The voadkyn, Birchlore and Mishra, are only able to beg for their lives as they have nothing to offer for their freedom.  The only information they were able to offer was the formorian leader’s lair which was to the east from where they were.  They pointed the party to it when freed, and leave to try and escape.  They thank the party profusely.

With the information they gained from the voadkyn, the party went east to kill the formorian and any other giants they find.  Entering the large chamber, the party defeat the leader and most of his retinue.  Although one smaller formorian escaped.

As a note: the party has left the bulk of the treasures they have found in the rooms where they found them.  The ettin room and the half-giant/ogre room both have treasure left behind.  In addition, the formorian throne room has treasure also.  The party also needs to find the exit from this dungeon, either to escape completely or to get back up to the gnoll level.

Here are the maps of the explored areas.  Level 1 is above and Level 2 below.  The party is just outside the Formorian Throne Room.
That's all for now.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Lawcon Updates

Silnäre Update

The tower was located in Sembia and was called the Tower of Riddick. Eladamri Riddick was Eralion's associate. He has not been seen in some hundred years or so. Silnäre is keen to investigate this tower. Either to question Eladamri about Eralion's illness or to seek treasure in a ruined tower. Either would be agreeable to him.

This was the last recorded info on Silnäre.  Since this time, he did travel south to the Tower of Riddick.  Thaimor attempted to stop him or steal what was in the tower before it could be claimed by Silnäre.  Unfortunately for  Thaimor, Silnäre found the tower first, killed him and claimed some information about Eladmari Riddick.  Notably, that Eladamri moved from the Tower of Riddick north to Tasseldale.  His new home was called Quirion Tower.  Eladamri might yet live even though Riddick Tower was over run with orcs and other scum.

Miranda Update

After joining this team, Miranda had found some folk that told her, her aunt was no longer a Zhent prisoner. The slaves were freed by Rhuobhe elves that attacked the slave caravan. This gave Miranda a hope to locate her aunt before the Zhentarim recaptured her.

Well, part of this was true.  The Zhents managed to recapture a good amount of the slaves and held them in a hidden camp in Archendale, east  of the Archwood.  This area is well known to be home to a clan of frost giants.

Exploring the area, the team found the camp but they were forced to retreat without Miranda!  She had been enspelled and taken captive.  The party struggled to figure out a way to save Miranda.  Eventually they defeated the Zhent camp and rescued, not only Miranda, but a gaggle of slaves.  Was one of the slaves Miranda’s missing aunt?  I can’t remember…

Amara Update

Amara was building a small shrine to Corellon in Larathian Village when she received word that the Temple of Corellon, north of Highmoon was in grave danger.  A miscreant archmage threatened the cleric of the temple and proclaimed he would return in 24 hours to annihilate the holy site.  The mighty oak centerpiece/altar of the temple was a dryad’s tree and this would mean her death. 

Amara knew there was nothing the Order would be able to do to stop such a powerful wizard, but the cleric of Corellon assured her they could save the heart of the temple (the oak) and thereby rescue the dryad as well, but they had to secure the aid of a treant known to live in the Archwood.  The treant, Adon, would be able to animate the great oak and move it.  It was decided that the oak would be relocated to Larathian Village, to the Corellon Shrine kept by Amara.  This elevated the shrine to a full temple. 

Shortly thereafter Amara had a vision of an evil temple where a suit of holy elven chain mail rested.  This armor was a holy relic to the faithful of Corellon.  The armor was worn by a bladesinger of Corellon some 725 years ago.  After she fell in battle, she was canonized by the church and became a saint of the faith.  Her armor was lost over 200 years ago.  If Amara finds the armor and places it in her new temple, the place would be sanctified and elves from all over Faerun would make pilgrimages to the temple to view it.

Silverbow Update

After befriending the Council of Truth, Silverbow fell in battle trying to help them in their endeavors.  However, Corellon was not done with her, so he caught her soul and sent it to a special demiplane where she could earn a return to the Prime.  In Corellon’s Refuge, SIlverbow met the Order of the Argent Dusk and joined them in trying to foil a plot of Lolth’s to despoil the demiplane.  Although the demiplane collapsed, the Order did manage to save Silverbow and she has decided to remain with them in Larathian Village.

Lita and Dart Update

It would appear Dart will not be rejoining the group on this foray.

Lita has very little to do and is superfluous as she is a ranger also (Silverbow is a ranger).


This is all I could remember.  The blog does not account for the last visit in 2013 where Nakia joined the group.  In that Lawcon, Miranda was rescued from the Zhents, Silverbow joined the team, Dart joined the team, Amareth left the team, and a new wizard (a captured mage, played by Nakia) joined the team.  The party was beaten and robbed by the Maestro in the Sembian plains and the temple Corellon’s Grove in Highmoon was destroyed by Argust the Red.

Please use the comments below to let me know if you remember anything different or can add any information that’s missing.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


The band from Mistledale was down Zaven and Dusty, but one of the rescued commoners volunteered that he had some skill and would be willing to help the party out.  The elf is named Ele’mir and his skills range from spell casting to opening door and finding traps. 

          The band decided to head out of the area and find any treasure while Thovan meditates.  Katie, Ele’mir, Valorous and Styve head to the ruined room with the small elementals.  Travelling to the room the party encounter some ochre jellies.  In the elemental room, they find a wand and defeat all but one of the elementals, that flees. 

          Leaving that room, they decide to look into the room where ants were suspected of being in.  The room had no ant creatures but was some sort of torture chamber with a shrine to Shar.  This room trapped the party and they were sometime later transported to another location where they met a creature named Modulok.  In this eternally dark place, Styve was killed and the others captured.

          Modulok told them that she would speak with them later and left the room.  The band went back to the room where they first appeared.  There they found a rune on the ground exactly where they appeared. Also in this room, the group found another prisoner chained to the wall.  It appeared to be a demon, tortured and beaten.  Ele’mir warned Katie not to talk to her but Katie freed the demon and learned that it was actually an angel named Taleron.  Gratefully, Taleron brought the group from Modulok’s domain back to the room where the shrine to Shar was.

          Once the group was back in the dungeon, they headed to the their lair to recover and return Styve’s body to safety.  This was problematic as Styve and his gear made everyone more encumbered then they would have liked.  It also meant the trip back would take longer.  As they made their way back, they encountered Aura the medusa again. 

          Meanwhile, Thovan came out of his reverie and decided the other had been gone too long.  He decided he and Seoni should go and look for the rest of the group.  They left and traveled down the right passage.  When they went down the long corridor, they triggered a rune that caused them some distress but that was nothing compared to the assault the crossbowmen gave them.  With their poisoned bolts, they managed to get Thovan who recognized the effect as drow sleep poison.  He realized that he would soon be passed out for hours, leaving Seoni alone to guard him.  They fled back to the lair but triggered the rune again, only this time it actually grant them instead of a bane.

          After a long sleep, Seoni and Thovan ventured out again and this time decided to take the left turn instead.  Nearing the corridor, they heard a commotion, Katie and the others were in a battle.  Thovan and Seoni sprang into action just as Katie ran past them toward the lair.  She told them that Aura was after them and that Styve was dead.  Valeros and Ele’mir were stuck in the rubble with Aura advancing.  After a pitched battle, Thovan killed Aura with a spell but was then petrified.

While the party recovered from the medusa battle, Taleron, the angel came to the party to thank them for their aid.  She gave Ele’mir, Valeros and Katie a feather from her wing.  The feathers could be used to summon Taleron and ask her for a boon.  Katie promptly used her feather and asked Taleron to bring back something to raise Zaven.  Taleron departed, vowing to return with something Katie could use to help Zaven.

Katie, Seoni and Ele’mir, then set about identifying the magic items the party recovered.  They learned one item found was a jar of Raise Dead Balm.  Taleron returned soon after and brought Katie a scroll of Raise Dead.  Styve was raised using the Balm, he then used the scroll on Zaven.  Ele’mir used his feather to ask Taleron to help Thovan.  Taleron brought back a potion of Restoration.  This potion was poured over the Thovan statue and thus Thovan was restored.  Later, the group found out that one of the potions found in the gelatinous cube was also a potion of Restoration.

Katie decided the second potion should be used to aid Capt. Dusty.  Zaven agreed and off the group went, leaving Valerous and Seoni with the resting Styve.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Posts from the Grove of the Unicorns

Zaven finds himself in a meadow surrounded by lush deep forests. He feels the warmth of the sun. He feels exhilarated due to the healing heat of the sun after so many dark, cold days in the mysterious dungeons. His last memory in the dungeon was of a giant queen ant. Her enormous jaws and stinger sent shivers of pain and fear deep into his soul. Finding himself suddenly in the tranquility of the meadow brought immediate relief, but then he remembered Katie.
Katie, the most beautiful woman that Zaven had ever seen. Her voice could only compare to those of angels. Her presence brought him joy beyond anything he had experienced with any other. He knew that she was beyond his station, for he could never consider himself anything more than her humble servant. He saw himself as her protector. Although he could never hope to mean more to her, it was enough to know that she was safe.
As Zaven soaked in the warm rays of the sun, a shiver entered his being. Katie was alone. She didn't have her commander to protect her, and Styve and Thoven could barely manage on their own. Then he remembered; Styve did this to him. Styve came between him and his self-proclaimed position of guardian of Katie. His actions ripped Zavan away from the land of mortals and delivered him into the hands of his god, Mielikki. 
Zaven, lost in his anguish, didn't notice the approach of Mielikki. Once aware, Zaven quickly went to one knee. He bowed down and awaited forgiveness for his inattention. Mielikki reached out to him and told him to rise. 
Mielikki senses within Zaven an innocence and a fundamentally kind soul. His previous life has introduced a trace of chaos, in what is otherwise a pure intentioned heart. Mielikki reclines on the lawn, joining Zaven. Mielikki sees such promise in having a follower with such a pure heart, but she grieves for him knowing that he came to such a tragic end. 
Zaven, experiencing her divine light, realized that he had allowed his love for Katie to overshadow his love for his god. Zaven asks once again for Mielikki's forgiveness, "Most beautiful Mielikki, I have failed you. In my blind love for a mortal woman, I lost sight of my true purpose—a warrior and servant of Mielikki. If the gracious Mielikki can forgive me and allow me a chance to go back to her service, I will never stray again. My focus will always remain on your will."
Mielikki smiled. As she spoke, Zaven realized that Mielikki, not Katie, had the most beautiful voice in all of creation, "Zaven, there is always a plan for all of those in Creation. It appears that your destiny is here, with me. I have tried to claim you once before, but you escaped my grasp." 
Zaven, succumbing to her seduction, forgot momentarily about Katie and his friends back in the dungeon.  Then the memory of the mortal, but beautiful Katie, filled his mind with dread. "Mielikki, you and the other gods sent us to this dungeon for a purpose. It is beyond me to know the purpose, but I know we have not fulfilled your plan. If you grant me the opportunity to return, I swear my allegiance. I will do your will, protect your forests, and become an evangelist of Mielikki's."
Mielikki smiled, "Zaven, I know you love Katie. It is allowed for you to love your goddess and the lovely Katie. If I grant your return, you must continue to protect your friends. I also expect that from this moment forward, that you will use your sword to defend the forests and those in my service, especially the Shadoweirs. Given the opportunity, I expect you to join the Shadoweirs, or in the least to swear your skill and aid. Katie is in possession of my hymnal. I expect to hear her voice swell in song, as she fills the air and hearts of all those around her with praise for me."
Mielikki pulled Zaven close. He lay his head in her lap, as she stroked his cheek, "But now you must rest. I will have my answer for you the next time you awaken." Zaven drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep.